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Good for Argentina! Looking forward to seeing if he's able to get things done with all the professional politicians still in office that don't want to see him succeed. []

captfeelgood 7 Nov 22

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If we could get Trump re-elected maybe we could get something done about the political establishment in Washington DC.

Okay, now I know I'm a Brit and maybe I am not that clued up on what happened but apart from trying to overturn the election that he lost, can you please tell me one thing he actually did (not just said it) about the political establishment in DC?

@273kelvin He didn’t do enough about the political establishment during his first term but after the way they have treated him I’m sure he will be ready to clean house at the FBI
, dept of justice and other unelected officials.

@Trajan61 So after 4 years in office when he did less than nothing about this. In fact, he made it worse by appointing former CEOs of polluting corps to the EPA etc. and using the DOJ and IRS to target political opponents. Getting Barr to let a convicted felon and traitor Mike Flynn off scot-free.
Now when he has been indicted by several grand juries of his peers on 91 counts ranging from business fraud, to stealing classified material (remember"lock her up" ) and setting an angry mob on the capital to try and keep him in power. Oh, now he wants to turn the law-and-order party into the "keep the feds off my back" party.
Biden has gone out of his way to distance himself from all of these cases. Garland appointed Smith as a special prosecutor to further distance the administration. He also kept Durham on to finish his bs investigation of Hunter Biden (to no avail). Would Trump have been so hands-off?
Here is a thought. If Trump is so innocent of all these accusations. Instead of employing a myriad of legal delaying tactics and railing about "witchhunts", how about "I want my day in court and I want it yesterday. I am innocent and I want to prove it now so we can get on with the election where I can put my policies up against theirs".


Well, some countries have to make the same mistakes over and over again. Carlos Memem pegged the peso to the USD back in the 1990s, which had positive short-term but disastrous long-term consequences.
And as far as "anarcho-capitalism" is concerned: we've been through this before, in Russia in the 1990s: A few grab all the valuable assets, get incredibly rich, and for the rest it's chaos and life on the brink of starvation. By the way.... every so-called "failed state" practices anarcho-capitalism in one way or another.


I don't know much about Argentina but a lot of our American politicians probably follow this and anything else they can get. I'm a political activist of sorts and I don't like the way we are going.

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