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I dated a woman from Lompoc Ca about 8 years back. As I got to know her a bit, it became clear she was a right winger conservative type. She bitched about the number of Mexicans in California on several occasions. When I pointed out that they were there first, I would just get “the look”…..👀
Truth is, the majority of immigrants coming here are native to the Americas, and we have and will continue to be entitled white assholes who think we are the only ones who deserve to be here…..🤷🏻♂️

Aaron70 8 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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When I am around this type of people and I point something out to them they immediately want to talk about Biden and bring out all of the perceived faults and doings. I ask if this really helps anything. No, but they go on anyway. Trump has poisoned the voting pool so much that people often say that ALL of the elected Democrats hate American and they have said that much on TV. Prove it! What remark on TV are you talking of and who said it? Put up or shut up. Nobody can prove it. Maybe they just remember that Trumpy said it.

Well if that lifelong serial liar said it, it must be gospel!! 😇

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