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The Middle East conflict has plunged the US Democrats into a crisis of identity. Many progressives are outraged that the president is so clearly siding with Israel.
Will Donald Trump benefit from this in the end?

"What we are seeing is a disaster," says Matt Duss, the long-time foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders, the left-wing senator from Vermont. According to Duss, who now works at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the president is not only supporting a massacre of Palestinians with his policies. He is also alienating two groups of voters that he desperately needs to get back into the White House: Muslim Americans and young, politically engaged progressives. "Israel is an issue where Biden has completely lost touch with the party," says Duss.

Do you agree?

Thibaud70 7 Nov 25

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Hopefully it will cost Biden the election!


Better fix that in the next year or it might be too late. I'm a Progressive who would never want Donny. He was bad the first time but if he gets in again it will be hell. He will use the office to fight his enemies in any way he can. At end of term he once again will refuse to leave.

If you identify as progressive, you could vote for Cornel West in 2024. If enough progressives will do this, this may cost Biden the decisive x-thousand votes in some swing state.
Just like Nader spoiled the party of Al Gore in 2000 (?) and helped Bush junior to get into the WH

@Thibaud70 I have nothing against Cornel West but he is not going to win. My vote would be a distraction. It's like I have this Libertarian card in my pocket but I never vote Libertarian. At least not in a national election..

@DenoPenno That's smart. But I'm afraid a lot of progressives won't see it as a distraction. They will vote with their hearts, and their heart tells them that Biden is not progressive enough (which is true), so it's Cornel West or staying at home for them.
As I said: a few thousands votes may decide

@Thibaud70 I live in Iowa, which is one of the reddest states in the north these days, so with the electoral college system for presidential elections, and mine not being a swing state, I can vote my conscience without any fear of helping Trump, since voting Dem in any statewide election here is just pissing in the wind. I will probably vote for Jill Stein, to help the Green Party get ballot status next time around. Cornel West is fine, but voting for him here won't help anything as far as ballot access.

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