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Gotta love these folks telling the truth.. 😄👍

captfeelgood 7 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, Captain. This video did not make me feel good. I do think we should make common sense great again but this guy just does not cut it. What's the bit about a gas stove? I don't get it. Is somebody off their meds? Did Trump write this??


The video had more false equivalencies than I can keep up with, so I quit watching early, instead of wasting my time further..

Ya always gotta consider the source.......

@annewimsey1 I did, that's why I didn't bother watching that long, to see if the content would improve with length...

@TomMcGiverin I lasted a minute, one giant slimeball of straw man arguments. When you make fun of a caricature of what you are against, it's not "telling the truth," it's idiocy.

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