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Injection might help long COVID patients smell normally again


TheoryNumber3 8 Nov 28

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The same or similar strategy has sought to decrease PTSD...



I'm so glad my normal sense of smell returned, though it took several weeks. I really feel for anyone who has this continued symptom. While it was never confirmed that it was covid that made me so sick in Dec 2019/Jan 2020 through Feb 2020, since we had no test kits back then, I'm pretty sure that's what I had.

For me, it wasn't loss of smell, but that normal things smelled putrid to me - food, my own body, my car, my sheets, towels... I also had a rash over my torso, which was unexplained as well, but thankfully went away after about 2 weeks.

Interesting to read the possible cause of the smell issue is a "sympathetic nervous system" as mentioned in the article:

"Some think the distortion to a person's sense of smell might be due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system, sent into overdrive during the COVID-19 infection, Sowerby said. The theory is that the injection "resets" this part of the nervous system, he said."



No amount of deodorant, air freshener, cleaning supplies, solved the smell issue I had while I was so sick in Jan 2020. At the time, I had no idea it may have been a side symptom of the unknown sickness I had. I just thought everything around me stunk, but I was too sick to do much about it. Silly to think of all the carpet shampoo and effort I went into trying to solve the issue - when I was the only one who thought my car etc., smelled awful. Glad to know there is a scientific explanation of why that happened.

@Mooolah ROFL!!!!
Somebody needs to proofread the headlines these days!!

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