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Several inches of snow have fallen since yesterday. I have to put on boots and practice walking without falling again. My pets all came to the kitchen door, stuck out their heads and turned back into the kitchen. Smart pets. Still waiting for my Aldi's grocery delivery.
Life in the country without transportation!

Spinliesel 9 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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snow in the country with no groceries stinks even with wheels. what is normally a 20 min. trip becomes an hr or more of nerve tingling treacherous road feels you pay $20 for at the fair.

The Aldi delivery took three days. Snow has now disappeared, But the cold remained.

@Spinliesel hasn't snowed here yet this winter, but we've hit the freezing mark a few times. were just slower in tennessee. i reckon were fortunate the weather ain't a race.


No Missouri snow yet.

@Gwendolyn2018 None in Bourbon but I have told a few people that I can smell it. I hate winter and snow.

I did not realize that you get any at all. BtW, I can smell bourbon.

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