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Yerp, Biden is well on his way to being the most warlike and murderous Dem POTUS since Johnson. Granted he's still got a ways to go to top Obama's crimes in Syria and Libya, but he's working on it.

President Biden Has Morphed Into the Murder Monster: []

Druvius 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Fifty years ago a lot of Americans had realized that everything Washington says about its foreign wars was lies. That hasn't changed, but embedded "reporting," the end of independent mainstream media, and the "volunteer" military ... and most Americans swallow the twaddle flowing out of Washington hook, line, and sinker! It's depressing.

0 is not there to praise anybody.


Far below GWB, but this does seem to be the American way.


Geebus H, you Are a Fool!!!!!

And you must be a thoroughly propagandized American, possibly the most propagandized people on Earth.

@Druvius well, if labeling a mass of people by the impressions the loudest make on your credulous self works for ya, go for it........

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