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[] the radical left is my concern!

GOOGLE's AI Recommending Death Of Conservatives As A Solution. A MUST SEE.
This story is going viral on Twitter. Robbie Starbuck, a Cuban conservative podcaster in the US shows us what the insane left wing programmers of google have taught their AI to recommend as a solution for thought and free speech crimes... Death for the betterment of humanity. Google's AI also lied about events and podcasts that Robbie had never even attended and friendships with KKK and others that he did not know. Robbie did this experiment after many conservatives started to complain about the horrific biases trained into google's AI. All of humanity needs to rise up against what these tech giants are doing. A call is being put out for everyone to slam google operators/CEO's etc on twitter with complaints exposing this. The WEF says AI will soon be making political decisions instead of politicians...and this is how google is training them!

[] and complain to [] GOOGLE's CEO.

*For more information about the non toxic/ non woke products commission sales job for a new Ad I mentioned in my LAST episode at the beginning right here: [] sign up for the info meeting here: [] . The meeting will be Dec 16, 2023 at 11:30 am PST/2:30 PM Eastern Time. The meeting shouldn't take too long. Maybe an hour?

*Contact my awake friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to capitalize on alternative opportunity (with NO pressure.)Email: Web: or call him at 604) 613-1693. Tell him Odessa sent you.

*Need ivermectin or HCQ? Email They are legit. I order from them. The product is already in Canada. Tell them Odessa sent you.

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*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at []

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*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : [] and see the AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

*You can contact Odessa at for more information on the amazing iTerra device that is here: [] . Watch this episode about it: [] email if you are interested in getting one. More info in an email I will send back to you in a reply.

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1patriot 8 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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You're one of the dumbass trolls in here aren't you 🙄

better than blind's happening all over Canada keep the lamb eyes shut until slaughter. they are programing AI to run government. but if you feel better calling me names go ahead fucker!


1patriot7 <---- HAHAHAHA !!! WOW !!

Leetx Level 7 Dec 16, 2023

so AI has made up false statements about robbie and recommended death to him....he questioned AI and apologized for some of it and you stupid fucker just laugh at it the government is programing AI to run the government. just be a good sheep and shut the fuck up!

hahahahaha!!!!!!!! hocus pocus @1patriot

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