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I think it's great news Trump is doubling down on his racist and fascist crap. He's a one trick pony, preaching to his choir is all he has. This isn't depression hit Germany in the 1930s, this message won't have the broad appeal he imagines it has. And the more extreme he is, the more it's going to drive the vote against him. Hard core MAGA haters are a minority, they will lose in 2024 if he keeps this up. It's actually really stupid, he's already got his base, he should just keep quiet and let Biden self destruct. Interesting times.

‘He’s dog-whistling’: Trump denounced over anti-immigrant comment []

Druvius 8 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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And he can only say even more asinine and extreme nonsense as the shock value of the current crap wears off. As he says ever more outrageous BS, he reveals himself to be a dangerous clown, completely unserious for the task. I also hope you're right.


I hope you're right, but I think you have more faith in Americans than I do. In 2016 it was just the 'deplorables' who they said supported Trump. Then he won. After 4 years of corruption, incompetence, treason, and lying, even more 'deplorables' voted him. Fortunately a few more voted for Biden and Trump didn't win. On the trend, even more 'deplorables' will vote for him next time. So, my confidence in Americans is not high, and I suspect that's how the world sees it too.

People keep talking about the hard MAGA core voters. But 75 million voted for him in 2020. Hardly a core rump number.

Totally agree, and I am just as pessimistic, but hoping I am wrong, as usual..

Nothing to do with faith in Americans, Trump doesn't have the skill set to seize dictatorial powers. Still gonna be a sheet show if he tries.

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