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Yay! Two my schools are on break and I only have two classes to deal with until Sunday. Then, that school also goes on break and I will have a WHOLE week off with no classes. (The only week of the year that this happens.)

What to do with myself? If weren't so cold and if I had anyplace to go, I would go . . . I smell quilts in the air.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Well you have got time to do some deep reading, that you actually want to do, just for yourself and quite unrelated to classes.

@Gwendolyn2018 Well it is nice to listen to someone read. Many hands make light work. But don't burn your bridges on reading for yourself. I know reading books take up space, but you only need room to swing a cat.

@Gwendolyn2018 It may not always seem like it but in some ways, you are living the dream, as they say.


Plan novel lessons for next year?

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