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Mom, What is a conspiracy theorist? ...

snytiger6 9 Dec 19

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Yes, unless they are lucky enough to find the evidence for the conspiracy, like Woodward and Bernstein and Watergate, after which are called heros.


Yeah, there are no conspiracies... Just cute memes. Look down and stay looking down. Pay no attention to what's happening. Forget the past. Just keep working and consuming...

Ever heard of Watergate? Ever heard of Vietnam and Bay of pigs? Ever heard of Edward Snowden and the lying " yes we can" Obama officials who were caught out on illegal surveillance? Now I know conspiracy theory is the new tactic to neutralise anyone who questions the official accounts of corrupt power, but really, there are no conspiracies? Your own country's history suggests otherwise.

@David1955 (I was being sarcastic). And yes, using the "Conspiracy Theorist" label to denounce an unpleasant perspective is a new ad hominem that seeks to dispose of arguments without reason. JFK and UFOs as examples. Your examples are great.

@racocn8 oh, I missed the sarcasm. Sorry.

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