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Wishing a Happy Midwinter Solstice to everyone... For those of us up North today is a BIG day - we celebrate Mid-Winter Solstice - and the Sun is slowly returning to the Far North again. Those of us that abide here Rejoice and Celebrate the return of light and warmth ! During the December solstice to the Scandinavians - fires were lit to symbolize heat, light and the life of the sun as the people awaited its return. A Yule – or rather Juul – log is burned on the hearth to honor the Scandinavian god Thor. A piece of the log is kept for both good luck and as a kindling for next year’s festival.

I am preparing a holiday meal as I don't really do Christmas. And I will have a warm fire and enjoy the idea of warmer days to come. This is the shortest day or hump-day in a sense so if you can make it this far the rest is down-hill and you can coast knowing each day will be a little longer and warmer days will return again...

FrostyJim 8 Dec 21

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Mid-winter? Winter just started.


Happy Summer Solstice here!

14 hours 41 minutes and 35 seconds long in Auckland. Was a high of 22 degrees Celsius.

Are you trying to make me cry? It is -17 Celsius here.

@Betty Wow, that’s so cold!

I lived in the uk for a few years and don’t miss the snow or ice at all. Not after slipping on some ice and having a painful hip for two weeks afterwards.

A work colleague looked like she’d been in a round in a boxing ring…..tripped on ice and experienced a face plant going for a run.

@Zealandia It has warmed up a little, it is now -6 so, it will take a little bit longer for me to freeze. 😉
I am very careful walking outside. A broken bone or two is not my idea of a good time. You won't catch me running in this weather.
Enjoy the warmth...if you could find a way to send some of that heat my way, it would be much appreciated. 😁

@Betty Minus 6 Celsius is still pretty cold. Agree, be careful walking outside.

I’ll try to send you some of the warmer weather, although it’s a bit humid at the moment!

We have our local Christmas coastal trees in full bloom, will take a photo and post when I get a moment.

I’m flying over the ditch to Melbourne to see an old Uni friend on Boxing Day, will be an interesting experience. Haven’t visited Oz properly for many years.

@Zealandia I hope you do have a few moments to take some pictures. Maybe I can close my eye and pretend it is warm. 😉

Enjoy the holiday and make memories. 🙂

@Betty Thanks, I’ll take and send some photos later. They unfortunately come out upside down.

I’m looking forward to seeing my mate and checking out Melbourne too. I haven’t seen that city,, everyone has said it’s great.

@Zealandia Have fun and avoid the spiders and snakes. 😉 I'll look forward to the pictures. 🙂

@Betty Had a great time in Melbourne.

This will come out upside down….

The pōhutukawa trees blooming on Christmas Day.

Unfortunately Agnostic won’t let me load more than one picture per post.

@Betty Hope this works


@Zealandia The pictures are beautiful and the trees along the shore are big enough to spread a blanket and have a nap in the shade. The red blooms are very striking. The beach looks so inviting, I am jealous. I wager you have a great tan. 😁

Thank you for sharing these pictures, that was so kind of you. Snow and ice here so, it is nice to see some greens and blues. I'm glad you have a great time over the Christmas break.

I hope you don't mind that I downloaded the pictures. They look so much better right side up. 😉 Thank you again. 🙂

@Zealandia Beautiful. 🙂

@Betty Glad you enjoyed them and that they all came through ok.

The beach photo with the people sun bathing is actually St Kilda’s beach in Melbourne. Took the tram out there.

The rest are NZ.

@Zealandia Yes, I have them on my computer desktop. I'll be able to look at them when the temperature feels cold and pretend it is warm. 😉

@Betty Great stuff! Pleased that you’re enjoying them.

@Zealandia Thank you for remembering. 🙂

@Betty The pōhutukawa trees are quite dull and unremarkable for the majority of the year. Then for a short period of time, mid-November to around Christmas time they strut their stuff. They’re a coastal tree, you don’t see them inland.

@Zealandia Do the blooms shed? Is there a red carpet around and under the tree in the off-season?

@Betty Good question. No, once the blooms have shed just after Christmas, there’s nothing until next November. Bit like cherry blossoms, short and sweet. So when I came back from Oz, the blossoms were pretty much gone from the trees, They soon disappear from under the tree too.

I was born early December, so it’s kind of my birthday tree too.

You’ll have to come visit and check them out one year! 🤣

@Zealandia Happy belated Birthday to you. 🙂

I don't fly. Took a flight years ago from Ottawa to Nova Scotia and I think my nail prints may still be embedded in the armrests.

@Betty I understand.

I’m not a big fan of flying, the level of discomfort varies each time and I get a bit nervous during takeoff and landing. It’s something I have to do to achieve an objective.

The bigger the plane, the better as far as I’m concerned.

Not intending to take another flight for a while now. Plenty to see here. I was away for 22 years, so am enjoying being home and exploring the country.

@Zealandia I envy you. No winter coat, snow boots, hats, or mittens. No slip-sliding on ice or getting snow in your boots. I have to talk myself into going outside. Enjoy the warmth...for the both of us, okay? 🙂

@Betty Thanks, I really appreciate the lack of snow and ice, got fed up it in the uk, as mentioned before.

@Betty The one thing I still haven’t got used to is that the “polar blast” that sometimes comes our way winter time is a Southerly, since it’s originating from Antarctica. Still feels weird.

@Zealandia How cold does it get?

@Betty It’s quite temperate.

Coldest month is July, with average temperature of 11.3 °C (52.3 °F) in Auckland. Sometimes it dips close to freezing, but usually not for long.

Obviously, the further South you go, the colder it gets.

Snow is very rare. First time I saw snow was up a mountain during a school walking trip as a teenager, and actually snowing was when I visited Canada when I was younger in my twenties.

@Zealandia The winters here seem to be milder now. When I was a kid this time of year varied between -15 °C and -30 °C plus. Although it is better now I still really dislike winter. Auckland sounds downright balmy. It is -7 °C at the moment and you couldn't pay me to go outside. 😉


Here in Inverness we have 6hrs 36 mins of daylight today so we are not that far behind Alaska. Despite that we had temps of around 14C a few days ago. The Atlantic influence gives us reasonably mild winters.


Happy Winter Solstice to you Frosty Jim. I made some great zucchini bread today and gifted my neighbors with a loaf and a Happy Winter Solstice card. Looking forward to warmer days.


Here in Elk County PA, 9 hours and 10 minutes is our shortest day…..🤔


for those of us down south, today means a slow move closer to heat and hurricanes. Love the winters here.

I love my winters here - it gives me time to hibernate - Ha!


Brighter days ahead my friend!!😎


Enjoy. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Dec 21, 2023
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