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There's no global warming, say the Totally Oblivious.....
i live in Southern New England and yesterday a MOSQUITO bit me......

annewimsey1 7 Dec 30

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I live even further north then Mass. and constantly get bitten by mosquito's. Most are from inside the house and are tiny. They find water sources to breed like the toilet, P-traps and lots of other places. To me this is evidence not of mosquito's but of extreme subjective thinking.

This was a large "normal" mosquito, we have had warm rains for over a week. Just the one that found it's way inside no doubt when I was letting the dog in or out.
I also have moths around the outdoor lighting As If it was May, poor things.
Dandelions are blooming all over (by the hundreds!) on every sunny lawn wherever I walk my dog
So, rather than think maybe there is global warming, you ASSume I never flush the toilet in my Only bathroom.....the rest of the house is spotless ("slight"case of OCD plus a cleaning lady!).......But mosquitoes are breeding in my toilet...yeah, that's the ticket!

@annewimsey1 I live in the DRY tropic.
Most of the year there is no still water for mosquitoes to breed in, yet we get them 365 days a year.
2 types, the ones you call normal and the other "scotch greys "which are enormous. Both bite like crocodiles.
Why it can get so hot and dry here that our dogs pee steam.

@Gwendolyn2018 Of course. But living alone (in a very rural place with lots of outside space to pee) with two bathrooms one is often not used. Again (I have 5 sinks) and the drains of a couple don't get used (I do put covers over the drains).
I had a thought the other day. Iranians (especially the women) are extra clean and many homes have a bidet. I've seen toilets with a tap in the line leading to a tiny faucet attached to the tank. We constantly looked for open water but after she died I realized, duh, she had watering cans next to the toilet. The smaller and less complicated the life form the quicker they evolve. The mosquito's are tiny and probably evolved for a cooler climate.

@Gwendolyn2018, @annewimsey1 Even with the seat down there is a gap from the toilet lip and the seat. I keep a bowl of Listerine in the bathroom and mosquito's supposedly hate Listerine. But it's only in one bathroom.

@jackjr I have a high-end bidet retrofit on the actual toilet that thoroughly cleans itself after it cleans me, no bugs in my house except an occasional spider ( I take them back outside) are breeding in my in my home, this was a regular-size outdoor Connecticut-bred Mosquito., full of its' meal from me, which I had to clean after I killed it.
It is quite amusing to me that rather than think it has been in the 50's here, or at least high 40's, every day including today and therefore warm enough for Mosquitoes to breed everywhere, that you would. Choose to insist I must be living in some kind of infested hovel. Thanks?

@annewimsey1 I went back over our comments and don't see where I think you're living in an infested hovel.

@jackjr suggesting bugs are breeding in my toilet? Reeeeaaaally?

@Gwendolyn2018 Just read a surprising sotry in the Smithsonian. Apparently MO was and has the potential to be one of the top wine areas in the country. []

@annewimsey1 Mosquito's breed everywhere. Even in upscale homes. A bit sensitive it seems.

@annewimsey1 Would you rather have bugs or rats

You will not like this!

In the middle of winter, wow!!!

Maybe he can solve his problem by shutting off his home heating. No heat, no mosquito's.

@Gwendolyn2018 Maybe your mosquito's are not as evolved as here. Here they are tiny and any tiny spot of water is breeding ground. It is said fruit flies can lay their eggs and hatch in a matter of hours and I'll bet the same goes for mosquito's. I was once going to hit a large mosquito but a friend said no. It didn't have a long proboscis and actually kills and eats the smaller insects. Unfortunately, they are not around during the winter.
BTW , it's also a mild season. It's been in the upper 50's and even a couple days in the 60's.
Normally the house is around 67 during the day and low 60's at night. Still they come.

@Gwendolyn2018 Here's a picture. Except the ones here are light gray. I spotted 3 in the shower and 2 more in the master bath.

It is So warm...every day like 40's, even low 50's, and not that cold at night heating bill is low, low, low but it is Creepy!
When I was a kid my Dad used to build us igloos using authentic snow--brick construction completel with entrance tunnel and they lasted for a month sometimes.
Now, we had One 20-second snow squall last month and the temp was 42 F while it came & went, got higher later in the day....I was just getting home and it did not last long enough to open the back door for my dog and I checked the car's weather info as I pulled in and realized what was going on.....

@Gwendolyn2018 Depends how often it is flushed. It might be as short as overnight. They are about the size of fruit flies and FF's can breed very quickly. For some strange reason there aren't very many fruitflies this year.

@Gwendolyn2018 Since the two are about the same size it would be an interesting battle. I compost and have a compost bucket, with a tight lid, under the sink. Also, this year I set out the fruit fly trap early.
You comment, maybe the mosquito's ate the fruit flies got me to look the idea of what do mosquito's eat. [] If there's nothing to eat how do the mosquito's grow in the winter? The fact is they are there, I have seen and felt them.

@Gwendolyn2018 LOL, but it's the female mosquito's that suck blood!

@Gwendolyn2018 I know and have lost a lot from them.

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