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I'm terribly troubled at the ongoing and likely growing anti-intellectualism with a focus on the citizens of the United States. A friend of mine got me into TikTok telling me there is lots of great content. She's not wrong. However, there is oh so much garbage on that platform. You can go from watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Brian Cox to plenty of flat Earth content. And it's the comment sections that are next level unbelievable.

I encountered a video today of a woman saying we should visit the sun at night when the sun is cool. I'm skeptical of anything online that seems shocking because then that's the entire point of putting it online and there's incentive to stage it. So from believing that some adult woman who managed to get dressed and leave her home has the understanding that the sun goes cold at night (I suppose it's plausible she does) or claiming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the same thing because they fell for a faked video where it looked like AOC was saying something along those lines, there's just a shocking level of stupidity and credulity. People will believe absolutely anything as long is it in line with their views.

I know there were some dim bulbs in government prior to trump but post his election there is no shortage of elected representatives rejecting truth, logic, the scientific method, the study of history and culture and the understanding of our laws. And when the intellectuals recoil and try to explain reality and facts, they get attacked. We no longer argue over what to do about something; we argue over whether that something is even true which is especially frustrating when the truth is obvious and to deny it requires belief in wild conspiracies.

And there are far too many people who discount intellectualism as a necessary qualification for holding office or, even worse, believe that it is important for our representatives to be intelligent, but are then fooled into thinking that the dumbest possible people are actually smart.

Is someone qualified for the world stage as a sharp leader if they can draw a clock or identify an elephant?
Is someone a genius if they put together that the word "us" is also an abbreviation for United States?
How about if someone who does the above draws the conclusion about themselves that those things qualify them as being smarter than most and then publicly make those claims; why doesn't that behavior instantly disqualify someone for elected office?

Automatic thumbs up to any comments to this post that mention the movie Idiocracy.

bragadm 5 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Willful stupidity is a sad thing to see. It might also be a broken bullshit meter or lack of. My Dad was raised in a very Catholic family, but became an atheist. While he worried about all his kids (3 of us) he really was concerned about my twin's gullibility - christ, she'd believe anything stupid that came down the pike.
My twin is a far right GOP supporter, Christian, gun owner. She is not talking to me these days.
I don't think we ever really like each other - an odd thing for identical twins. I quit the church thing when I was 12, well before I knew my Dad was atheist. Mom had us going to the Methodist church, which is what she was raised with. Not sure she was much of a believer either since she would just drop us off for Sunday school and church but said it was good for us. At 12 was when I said, "well, if it's so good for us why do you just drop us off at the door?" I quit going and our relationship went side ways from there. LOL


Americans appear to have absorbed more from action movies and TV shows than in school. Pair this with religion 😁😁😁


Remember Winston Churchill’s “Democracy is the worst of all forms of government, except for all the other forms we have tried.”

And democracy is gradually catching on.


If during his campaign, mocking that handicapped reporter did not disqualify him I doubt anything will....once yer appointed by gawd anything goes.......


#stupid is as stupid does.


Ideally, competent and even talented people would seek office for the noble cause of improving everyone's life. However, the rules laid out in the Constitution are badly dated. Very little language addresses corruption. After 200 years, the crooks and the wealthy know how to trick the system. One of those tricks puts incompetent but loyal people in office.

Once upon a time the electoral college was charged with ensuring that lunatics could not gain power. 2016 showed how a full-blown malignant narcissist psychopath could be elected. One criminal scandal after another, and then Covid. Trump was so bent on grifting that a million people would die, and still, those most affected remain hypnotized.

The US is stuck with a failed charter, so from here on, its a train-wreck in slow motion. The society doesn't have the horsepower nor the will to fix its many problems, number one being a massive share of the population being profoundly deluded and delusional on account of their religious beliefs. The runner up is how, somehow, the intelligence services won't inform the population on how Russia (primarily) has engaged in a campaign of brainwashing with Fox, the GOP, SCOTUS and many others, working for Putin in exchange for rubles.


It starts with a lack of commitment to education, especially to teaching children really important skills like healthy skepticism, the basics of science and critical judgment. And there maybe a sinister reason for that. Which is that if you have those skills, then they make you self reliant and not needy. And who in government or commerce wants people who are self reliant and not needy, you can not sell them anything because they need little.

Kids today are taught what to think, NOT how to think.
It is so easy cheap and quick to let the electronic media, governments, and education authorities hand us the information instantly. Thus stopping the individual from evaluating, discussion ideas, seeking multiple points of view and "god forbid" the truth and indulging in old fashioned honest research.

My old prof used to say to us," Everything I have just taught you is probably wrong, come back tomorrow and tell me if all I said was right or wrong." He also had the habit of exclaiming about some particular point is unbelievable, but I gotta teach it thus, is the theory/ point right after all?
Boy did I learn to research and evaluate things and take NOTHING for granted. (pre computers)

Ron Desantis is destroying education, knowingly, and is yet popular in his state. You have a good point. For decades, education is the first for budget cuts. GWB with "No child left behind" that was just a phrase with nothing actually behind it. Jeb Bush, as Florida governor, gearing the states education system around a year end test instead of a fully flushed out curriculum. The US does not value intelligence.

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