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This woman is thankful to God, after losing all 4 limbs?! Yes, the lord works in mysterious ways!??!πŸ‘€

Aaron70 8 Dec 31

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When I hear people say, "It's a miracle! god saved me!" I reply with, "no, he is just a bad shot. he missed."

Reminds me of something I saw before, a woman saying how God loves her because she's been in 7 car accidents in 2 years and is still here. Someone said, "Sounds like he's trying to kill you!"


Happy to be alive. What I see here is total insanity. How can she be smiling and thankful?

No idea….maybe she enjoys rolling around on the floor!?🀠


That's why would like to have the same benefits that this God has... I would give many people the worse shite and still be praised for it.

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