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You don't like being called a fucking idiot? I don't give a fuck how I come off to any of you. Call me names. Tell me how it is. Hell if you were Christians you'd tell me you were praying for me. It's the same shit packaged up differently, that's all.

That's the point I'm trying to make. That you are way more ignorant than you'll admit to yourselves. If you will admit it you'll refuse to address it. You cling to old systems, methods, rules and ideas. You think very much inside the box. Sure many would say the opposite but many are not me. I'm telling you where I see you at. I know, I was there too. If you want more you've got to really go and get it. It won't just come to you on a silver fucking platter.

It's not that any of you are stupid. That's the thing. You aren't. You're very smart. But you're smart in an unconscious way, not a conscious way. The only thing that changed me was the realization of what an ignorant fool I was and still am. I say this because if you can unlock that for yourselves then you've reached another level of evolution.

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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What the fuck is this all about?


I wish i could help but feel that you have put up a barrier. I know it starts with a question but only you can ask it although it can help you.


Soon there will be two big men knocking at your door, in white coats with a very special "coat" for you, one that has funny arms in it. They will take you to a place where you will get an injection, don't worry you won't feel a thing. Ever so often there will be this man or woman talking to you about how you feel. Just what you need.


I am wondering what your goal is here? Bashing others and insisting that we just need you to explain life and the world is egotistical. You're pugnacious as hell, have a very big chip on your shoulder, and seem to think you can bully others here with no push back. You're not a wise person, and pushing your opinions on others and believing that only you have the answers is boring.


Yuppers, you are the Only one who knows anything and we are incredibly lucky to have you appear to lead us.....almost gawdlike!
Plus, your winning/ engaging manner, another plus for us all.


Sometimes a post brings out feelings in some of us as we remember some other thing that happened to us. Then we talk about it.


I haven't got the foggiest what you are talking about.
Anyway, what are you taking? I'm more interested in that.

Ryo1 Level 8 Jan 1, 2024

He is taking the piss out of himself.

You people love telling me about yourselves. You like taking drugs and want to take drugs. So what? I don't fucking care and no one does. Why don't you address the post rather than talk about yourself? That's fucking lame.

@4thwiseman No, I don't wanna tell you anything about myself - not one bit.
So, what is your problem, exactly? Are you seeking attention? If so, you are sure succeeding - like I care.🤪

@Ryo1 His need for attention is obvious although, his vitriol is not gaining him the kind of attention he craves.


I don't mind being called a fucking idiot because in comparison to many people I am
What I object to is being called a fucking idiot by a prize Dunning Kruger specimen who though they might understand the word fucking, owing to it being totally absent from their lives, has no concept of the meaning of the word idiot because they are so self unaware and arrogant they cannot recognise it in themselves.

I strongly doubt @4thwiseman's ability to understand the concept of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

He is the sort of idiot that gives idiots a bad name.


You are as boring as you were before. Bye-bye!


You are only reaping what you sow 4thwiseman... You are displaying zionist views in which you project yourself as above the rest of the world and human civilization. What you seem to forget is, nobody here will put up with that type of nonsense. You make vague statements and then try to gaslight anyone who tries to either answer or help in some way. You would rather hurl insults to other human beings than to cast off your own ingorant dogma. You are not superior in any way to the rest of us. You are nust flesh, bone, and blood like anyone else. Perhaps your being Israeli has something to do with your haughty zionistic opinion of yourself. Maybe, just maybe, you should consider becoming one of your Lord Rothchilds servants. Your demeanor certainly befits such crassness and blatant disrespect for other people.

See also the exchange between @4thwiseman and @Betty at [] below.

@anglophone Thank you for having my back. 🙂

@anglophone I read all the comments before eeiting my own comment. Lol

Are you done with your diatribe of how you feel and what is in your mind and attributing it to me? Do you have more you wish to tell me about yourself?

Well said, mate.

@4thwiseman You have told me all I need to know about you. This is how I see you.

You have displayed a deep-seated fear of being worthless, an inflated ego, a false sense of superiority and an insatiable need for attention. Fear and helplessness are masked by anger and arrogance.
You appear to have found a group that has opened your eyes. Would that be a fringe group with a political agenda intent on a new world order? Did they promise you a position of power and control? Do you believe you will finally gain the respect you think you deserve?
I pity you. I am sad for the young man who was hurt and became a target of a group intent on exploiting your need to be accepted and valued.

@4thwiseman Of your "Are you done with your diatribe of how you feel and what is in your mind and attributing it to me? Do you have more you wish to tell me about yourself?": I am greatly entertained by your absurd posturing, while your anger is also manifest. See also @Betty's comment above.


Welcome back , what took u so long 😂😂
Calm your tits down bro , decaf , and maybe find something better to do than try to get people to argue with u . Insulting people also won't get u far . Or tell them what to do . I have told u this b4, nobody died and made u boss .

it's me on this particular website. I have my reasons. Might not be good ones but I have them.

Yes, it sure looks like, smells like and behaves like the vanished @Fvckyou.

@anglophone I thought the same thing. If it walks like @Fvckyou and Talks like @Fvckyou, its probably @Fvckyou

@bookofmorons @anglophone, You folks are brilliant! Your powers of perception are mind blowing.

@4thwiseman You forgot the sarcasm font. /@bookofmorons

@anglophone don't think he gets sarcasm

@bookofmorons You may have a good point there.

@bookofmorons @anglophone
And I still think @Fvckyou sounded like that other crazy MFer that always WroTe - LiKe ThYs aLL-thE tiMe and had pictures of space or animals at the bottom of every post.


I honestly do feel like an idiot and I know that I don’t have all the answers. I try to be more accommodating of different beliefs as I age, but it’s extremely difficult! Here’s to a better New Year, hopefully I’ll have more patience and understanding ♥️

Yes, I feel you sister!


This is a safe place to share ideas. Yours are welcome.

Jump in and share your perspective, it will be most welcomed.


Greed fuels power, wealth, dominance, control, jealousy, hate, and war. Unless you can address and mitigate greed to a manageable level, lasting change for the benefit of all is not possible. It is part of being human.

Betty Level 8 Dec 31, 2023

more unconscious thought. "It is part of being human". That's a loser's attitude and one that isn't yours but it was placed in your head. You are not free.

@4thwiseman Please, prove me wrong.

@Betty It seems to me that @4thwiseman is projecting. I also his attempts to manipulate you and me as being wonderfully absurd.

@anglophone He sounds young and altruistic. Time will hopefully give him some wisdom.

@anglophone He believes a great change is coming and he is right because change is inevitable. He is also in for a big disappointment.

@Betty Depends upon what one can see (experience) vs another. We are not all the same in our evolution.

@anglophone if something seems like something than you don't know. You either know or you don't know. Of course you could always believe what you believe. That would make you just like the Christians you don't like. It just happens to be something other than God that you believe.

@4thwiseman I agree and there lies the dilemma. There will always be conflict.

@4thwiseman Ah, the logical fallacy of false dichotomy. How very sweet!

@4thwiseman Belief is on the lower end of the spectrum of trust. You can believe something until new information or evidence alters or changes that belief.

@Betty you can but it's stupid. Belief is nonsense. Other than of course the type of belief in oneself or others.

@anglophone Ah, I'm so fucking smart, I know it all. That's exactly what makes you a fucking idiot.

@4thwiseman I see that you are flaunting your Dunning-Kruger effect. Enjoy your day! 🙂 /@Betty

@anglophone no, I'm simply responding at the same level. To do engage on mine would not be possible with you.

@anglophone He doesn't realize that his complaints about our beliefs are a demonstration of his beliefs. He believes in his perspective, flawed or not.

@4thwiseman You are showing your immaturity...careful.

@Betty Ah, that means @4thwiseman is devoid of self doubt, and all that is implied by that. I like your analysis. 🙂

@4thwiseman Oh oh. Not a wise move.

@anglophone Thank you for the compliment. It means a lot. 🙂

Thats apparently the re birth of Fucku or whatever his name was . I meeaann , the math are mathing 😂😂😂😂

@4thwiseman Such a big ego. May I ask what you are compensating for?

A cackle of woman cackling away. Cackle, cackle, cackle.

@4thwiseman Your immaturity is showing again. I see also that you are unable to answer my questions and that says a lot about you.

@Betty I guess that @4thwiseman is compensating for one or more massive insecurities of personality, which behaviour is manifested by all bullies. His misogyny is glaringly obvious, as is his phobia of thinking.

@anglophone I agree. His attempts to manipulate and get a rise out of us solidify your analysis.


You appear to be predicting something different yet you don't have the power to make the change. I'm sorry it is not going to turn out the way you believe.

Betty Level 8 Dec 31, 2023

you're right. I will live the life of Betty instead.

@4thwiseman Look to history and you will see a pattern. Things will change but fundamentally they will remain the same.

@Betty LMFAO...history of what? 6,000 years out of 500 million. Yeah, OK.

@4thwiseman Try a hundred thousand years for starter.

@Betty want to look at history then look at the yugas

@4thwiseman You are either deliberately misunderstanding or unable to.

@Betty I'm simply referring to longer time frames than you are.

@4thwiseman Elaborate, please.


Your psychosis is getting worse.

yours isn't getting worse or any better sorry to say. In other words you're stagnate.

@4thwiseman Careful, your faith is showing.

@4thwiseman Ah, the red herring logical fallacy. How frightfully quaint!

@anglophone you can't stay away. You are not free.

Happy New Year. 🎆🍾

@4thwiseman Neither are you.

@4thwiseman Your nonsense is magnificent!

@Betty And the same right back at you. 🙂

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