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You are the essence of all that is
You exist forever
You may be asleep but you will awaken

Drank_Spear 7 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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The thought of you posting stuff like this for an eternity, is enough to make the idea of oblivion a consummation devoutly to be wished

Oh Hell Yeah!!!!!!


I do not want to live forever, I look forward to total peace and quiet at some point.
P.S. I have actually died twice, and it is perfectly fine.
(once strangled by first husband, once from a brain-stem stroke when a chiropractor severed my left vertebral artery, which will never return.)


I think I was asleep before I got here. Now I will have my short time on the earth and then once again go to sleep.


Sounds like deep kimchii.

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