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Looks like things are cooling down CO2 will drop and has nothing to with temp at self proclaim scholars on agnostic stake claim
1patriot 8 Jan 3

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how many of you nut cases believe it's flat earth that must be what many of you are laughing at!


Go argue with my grandmother's daffodils, now consistently blooming a full month or more than they did even 4 decades ago, along with pretty much every spring flowering item....

ah yes the annie standing in the back ground blabbing to edge on the fight i have been in those fights before physically. but i later kicked his ass so bad he never open his mouth again!

@1patriot would that be a threat of violence towards me?
Do not go there, pissant.

@annewimsey1 your as stupid as your other cronies.....


Obviously, @1patriot, you don’t have any particular expertise in the subject of climate change. I applaud the fact that you admit this and submit arguments made by others to attempt to make your case. However, upon any examination at all this video falls apart.

For a simple example let’s look at the case of Őtzi, the corpse found at 3,200 meters altitude in the Alps. The entire argument presented rests on the assumption that it could not have been cold and snowy when he was killed; the weather must have been much milder. If you bother to even think about this you realize that a body in a milder climate isn’t mummified. It decays. Therefore, the argument presented is prima facie absurd.

Having said that, I would like your opinion, @1patriot, on a question in an area where you might have some expertise. Should your tinfoil hat be worn over your your red MAGA cap, or should you line your red MAGA cap with tinfoil?

so was that the observation you made which had very little to say little minds think like that though. how much warmer are we now than 2000 years much warmer now than 1000 years go. you watch a little part of the video and now you have concluded that the video is worthless but we have had solar min in the last 2000 years and they last for 30-60 years. so are your saying that because you think i wear some type hat that this science most be disregarded.....that everything he says is wrong. you likely think that CO2 warms the planet too. or do you any type of logic to explain what warms the planet maybe your farts or something.....the flygoosefucker has no idea, he thinks the planet is going to be dead in five years most likely you have confirmed that with him. I think the sun warms this planet but hey you fuckers are way smarter than me. are you a self confirm scholar too! or just an ass hole.

@1patriot, as I said, “ upon any examination at all this video falls apart. For a simple example let’s look at the case of Őtzi.”

I could go through the video point by point and show how it distorts facts, relies upon unsupported speculation, and ignores any evidence contrary to the point it is attempting to prove. Given your unwillingness and/or inability to follow such a rebuttal of the nonsense in this video, I feel no compulsion to waste my time.

@mcgeo52 great thank for agreeing with me!


(Sigh) If you were interested in learning the truth, you made a good choice by coming on this site. There are some very well-informed, knowledgeable, and serious individuals here, and they are happy to help you. But apparently you would rather draw negative attention to yourself by pushing bonehead conspiracy theories. You're blowing a golden opportunity by shooting your mouth off about stuff that is way beyond your ken. Get a clue!

says the self proclaimed scholar science is never settled. when a bone head like you say you can't question it....than you know your dealing with stupid....i have never made any claims as to how smart i am like you do twice in the last few days.....that just shows how dump you really are. you have never heard of the last mini ice ages i take it! we have warmed what 1 degree in the last 1000 years.....

@1patriot I don't claim any scholarship status beyond what I can prove with documentary evidence: a university diploma, test scores, teaching credentials, a careers' worth of professional development certificates, and a mountain of curricular materials carefully researched and created by yours truly. And you have...? Jack shit, right?

@Flyingsaucesir oh now it comes out your not a scholar you just wanted me to believe it.....funny thing i didn't believe because if your teaching students the shit you been tell me than your are students are stupid too!



Your lack of education is showing again. You really shouldn't try to act smart if you aren't.

Did you make the "free energy" device they have on youtube so now you don't have to pay for electricity ... EVER AGAIN?


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