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Kim Davis, prize bitch and arch homophobe, who in 2015 declined to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples must pay $260,000 in fees and expenses to a coupleโ€™s attorneys:[]

anglophone 9 Jan 10

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Good. She didn't do her job. Nobody should be caring what people do in their bedrooms when issuing marriage licenses. As a wedding officiant, I marry lots of couples, and I honestly do not want to picture them in bed. I stick to my job of hearing their vows and signing the certificate. That's as far as my job goes.


Symbolic, she won't pay a dime, the Evangelical haters supporting her have poured millions into her "cause." If devoting your life to being a hate filled bigot trying to destroy people's lives and marriages can be called a cause.

God has millions of a$$holes, and every one of them spews shit on the rest of humanity.


2024 is shaping up Just Fine!!!!!!!


I actually cheered out loud when I read that. She also owes a chunk to the actual couple...maybe her church will help her out with a donation?????

As I have just replied to @Druvius, God has millions of a$$holes, and every one of them spews shit on the rest of humanity.

@anglophone Can't totally agree with that one because I've actually known some ''genuine'' Christians who lived the faith. Not many....but a few.

@pamagain My often brutal way of putting things has a nasty habit of misleading others. God's million a$$holes is about one thousandth of his billion or so followers.

@anglophone I hope your math's correct! ๐Ÿ™‚

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