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Drank_Spear 7 Jan 11

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I totally know what you mean man, where you're coming from. It's like... what's the meaning in all of this shit, from the planets to the stars to the toilet overflowing seemingly out of the blue?? What the hell does it all mean??

For what it's worth man, some days I sit home alone thinking about this shit while the power suddenly goes out, and then I try to decipher the foreign language printed on my pancakes...


Purpose is dumb, Mmmkay. That's what I hear.


I have no purpose other than to make my day a productive and happy one.
Would Anything, Anywhere, improve if I thought spray-painting graffiti on my neighbor's house was a "purpose"?????


Childhood Catholicism wanted my purpose to be babymaking. When I neared marrying age, I did not want that for my purpose.

With some difficulty, due to Catholicism’s coercive methods, I changed my purpose to being happy and succeeded.


There is no purpose. For anything. Anything you think is our purpose is imagined and nonsensical. That's like saying there is a goal for evolution.


Having living this much, I still think about it day to day.


What do you want your purpose to be? It could be that what you want to be your purpose is exactly right for you.

to love

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