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Anybody remembers?

St-Sinner 9 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I remember
But in the UK in 1970, my father bought his second house for us in Billingham for £3000 and at the time we had just switched to decimal currency from the old imperial coinage (240 pennies to the pound) and everyone was complaining that they had been robbed as prices had massively (apparently) raised.


Ah! The good old days. 😉

Betty Level 8 Jan 15, 2024

I was only 1 year old!


And the wages for a retail clerk, mailman, or roofer were......?

My father was a long distance lorry driver and he was on a basic wage £1500 per annum at that time but did get bonus payments for efficiency (the polite term for speeding, or driving 24hr days hopped up on pills before tachograph installation was made compulsory)


The problem is that we cannot go back. these prices have come and gone.

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