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God told the man in white to ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 17

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The man in white says the man in black is full of shit. The man in black says the man in white is full of shit. They are both correct.


Apparently everything really is black or white.


Same dumb fuckery:

Government A says being gay is illegal and you get the death penalty

Government B says gay people get married.

The same Government says abortion is illegal and its not.

So, why do you retards believe in Government and not God?


Well god clearly lied to one of them, hellooooooo……🤷🏻♂️

Or, he lied to both of them...

@snytiger6 I thought the advice to the man in white was pretty sound?! 🤠


Obviously it's a trickster god. 😉

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