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Dept of Justice confirm Hunter Biden's laptop is real, confirmed from icloud backup.


If you think this is about crack heads and professional girls, think again.
Joe Biden had 51 former spooks commit their names to paper to cover this up in an presidential election debate.
It shows business dealings involving Hunter and Dadsy.
It shows the VP of the USA had alias emails where classified materials were transmitted.
It shows Joe Biden is compromised.

You have to ask, Why now? The DoJ has known this authentication for sure for a long time. A fluke of timing of this particular case? Or time to burn Biden with the realisation he can't win again against Trump?

puff 8 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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  1. I do not recall the younger Biden ever denying he had a laptop, most people over the age of 12 do, and have for quite some time.
  2. I do recall, just lately, Hunter Biden agreeing to appear before Congress in a PUBLIC hearing and the repugs requesting it immediately scuttling into the shadows like the cockroaches they are.
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Whoever said Hunter Biden did not have a laptop? Not like many of the rest of you I do not know a classified e-mail from any other. I don't know what Repugs did to "find" this laptop. Maybe Biden as a junkie just did not care. I vet my sources. I also see news from all over the world.

Hard to read your comment (font) but can see you pose the question "Whoever said Hunter Biden did not have a laptop? That would be
Hunter Biden who claimed his signature was forged at the repair shop
Joe Biden who got Blinkin/ Kirby to get 51 former spooks to lie for him to advance his election chances.
DoJ officials who lied to Congress (a crime) about the verifying/ possessing the laptop
Lots of media who no longer question at all what comes out of the Biden WH.

As for classified emails, think that has to do with VP Biden using multiple alias emails, undeclared to authorities, to pass classified material to both Hunter and his business accossiates.

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