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I like your Christ ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Try saying that to any cognitively and emotionally challenged person, including the dangerous raving lunatic that is Pastor Adam Todd of the Solid Rock Bible Church in Toledo.


Same Muslims, Jews etc; Won't have a bad word said about Allah/ Muhamad etc, just think many who follow him are a bunch of fuckwits.

puff Level 8 Jan 20, 2024

I'm always saying (actually, thinking and sometimes muttering) "I love Jesus; it's Christians I can't stand."


One reason for this is that Christians just knew that Jesus was a Christian. No, wait. Jesus was a Jew and he died Jewish. His followers are the ones who started a new religion.

New religions, plural. To date, there are over 40,000 Christian sects. Not exactly a study in cohesion. 😂

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