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Will you sign the petition to amend our Constitution and affirm that corporations are NOT people?
My answer to this question in a heartbeat is HELL YES!
This amendment is necessary to correct the greatest error ever made by the Supreme Court. The "Citizens United" decision by the SCOTUS has been responsible for most problems now facing our nation. Because it allows corporations and such entities to dump UNLIMITED amounts of money into the political process, enabling them to literally "buy" elections.
Now, with the rapid advances of AI, it won't be long before robots will be influencing and directing our government, and then not long after that until they are running our government.


mischl 8 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The real crime was equating money (corporate bribes) to "free speech"


Try not to confuse what those words sound like they mean and what they ACTUALLY mean. πŸ˜’

Enlighten me.


I'm not sure this would involve an amendment to our Constitution. All SCOTUS did was make a bad choice over Citizens United being "freedom of speech."

"OUT" the Constitution? I don't see anything like that. The proposal is to AMEND the Constitution to insert a definition clarifying that corporations are NOT people, and therefore cannot vote in elections.


Hadn’t heard about it, but I will…and I will share.


I don't believe any move on petition has ever made a difference. Of course, they claim like 10 have had impact. I see it as an exercise in futility. The only thing that congress seems to listen to is money. It's not the corporations who are crooked, it's the politicians who accept what amounts to bribes, to pass legislation. Until the money is removed from the is pay to play government. But these petitions guage public opinion.

If you believe you will fail, you will. Don’t just stand there, DO SOMETHING.

@KateOahu Yes, I agree. WE have a lot of power using the Internet. Much more than in the days when all we could do was write letters.

A road of a thousand miles begins with one step. ".........and our POSTERITY".

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