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I have to apologize for my writing. So many mistakes. My eyesight is failing miserably. I never learned to type. We were told that we would have secretaries for that task. No kidding! This was before the arrival of computers. of course.
It is too late for me now, but I would accept recommendations for self-study programs.
I did learn English, French and Russian, but not typing.
It is a cold, grey day here in Apple County. New York. Be well.

Spinliesel 9 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Go-to Accessibilty on your device Setings page and try it all! Many even have voice readers.


I taught myself to type while in the US Army. They must ave needed me badly because I only do 38 words a minute. My language skills are good enough to tell most of the time what others say, but I really do not know any other languages.

I got up to 26w/min. You should have seen my Aunt, PA some big CEO private jet stuff. She typed so fast keys would jam. I remember when the 'golf ball' came in, allowing faster typing. She thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.


The dictation feature in MS Word works well for me.

My mouth and it are W-A-Y faster than my fingers


I learned typing in high school about 40 years ago. Aside from reading and math, typing has been the most useful thing that I learned in 12 years of public school.


I was horrible at typing class in high school. Who knew I would be making my living typing every day, certainly not me back in the 1970s. I don't see well up close anymore, so I have to enlarge the typing to proofread what I write and check photos I post for eyes closed, etc.

We have it so good now, though, with the delete button, auto-correct (blessing and a curse) and intuitive auto-finishing of words, in some programs.

I hate typing with my phone, since I can't see what I'm typing very well, so I use the voice command, or just wait until I'm home at my computer with the large screen. Thankfully there is a lot of help, including this site, which highlights questionable spelling in pink, so I can fix it before hitting "submit" which is a nice feature.

I'm not sure how the kids nowadays learn how to type - as they are tying faster than me without any classes. I think it's just practice and necessity, since it's a way of life for the youngsters.

Back when my kids were learning to type, they used the Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing program. I think there are free versions of it out there for personal improvement in typing skills. Maybe something like that could help.

Thank you, Julie 808. Maevis Beacon sounds familiar. I will let google search for it. I also have a dr.s appointmen coming up, will ask for advice on my eyesight. I have read an article on stem cell injections to halt the deterioration of sight. But it will probably be outside of my financial ability. And the thoughgt of having injections into my eyes freaks me out.


You are far better than me. No way I would learn Lao and Thai unless I was surrounded by people using it everyday. Jealous.
Like I used to tell my students, language is all about communication. So if you are understood and you understand it's a win. Perfection in grammar etc will come later. So keep trying and don't be shy. Those who laugh don't even try.

puff Level 8 Jan 28, 2024

You might be able to set up voice speech on your device. If that's out of your technical knowledge perhaps you have someone who could help. Good luck.

Hopefully no thick accent 😉


Your writing seems just fine, in fact better than some frequent posters on here.

Tears streaming down my cheeks.


Take your time, no rush, do what you can and double check it as best you can.

Thank ypu Switchceaft. That is what I do right now.

Are you my English teacher from way back? That is what he used to say. Also "lose that southern accent. ( from listening to American Forces Network program The Fifteen o' Fve to Nashville, my trusty companion for doing my homework} Oh memories

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