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When a friend buys you a meal ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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It is past time for term limits.

I think it is past time that Supreme Court justices are held to the same ethical standards of all other Federal judges... and if they violate those standards then they should be able to be impeached and removed.

@snytiger6 The problem is, even they get caught red handed violating those standards, they will never get convicted by a two thirds senate vote, same as Trump wasn't, because the Repubs will never allow it.

@TomMcGiverin There was a time when republicans used to purge their bad apples. Although these days they tend to line up like Nazis to protect them, it is possible at some future day that we might see ethics return.

Personally, I think Trump's influence in the republican party will likely end the party and the republican party may go the way of the wigg party.

@snytiger6 I hope you are right about both of those things happening, but I won't hold my breath. And yes, I do remember and long for the days, when Repubs still had some integrity, and would cast out their bad apples, but that was a long time ago, and was gone long before Trump came on the political scene..

@TomMcGiverin I was listening to NPR this morning as they were discussing the 14th Amendment section 3, and the Supreme court hearing the case where Colorado struck him from the ballot. All of their arguments led to Trump being denied a place on the ballot. The only dispute that arose was at what level of government, or rather who it was that, could deny a candidate eligibility to run for office.

The assumption was that since the court is now mostly made up of originalists, that the original intent of the writers of the 14th Amendment, which specifically indicated they wished the amendment to apply to the Civil War and any future insurrections, that the court would likely rule against Trump.

I have my doubts about that. Trump seemed to choose people for their personal loyalty to he himself, over loyalty to the constitution, and he appointed one third of the current justices... and Thomas is a complete sell out to anyone who has lots of money. So, they may not follow the original intent, even if that is the philosophy they claim to represent.

@snytiger6 Original intent is just a bullshit made up excuse for the conservatives to rule whatever way they want on any case. They don't even pretend to apply it consistently in their rulings..

@TomMcGiverin I agree with your conclusions.

Personally, I think "original intent" is a load of crap, as the founders also made the constitution amendable, because they were smart enough to realize they would not get everything right, and I suspect a few also realized that cultural values change over time. I think "original intent" is a BS justification for religious zealots to try to turn the clock back, because they are their beliefs do not correspond to advances in culture and secular morality.

@snytiger6 Exactly, they want to reverse all social progress, and return us to over a hundred years ago, when the only people who had any rights and status were white Christian straight men, while Catholic men were tolerated and given the same right, but still not trusted or treated with the same status as the former group.

@TomMcGiverin Don't forget that rights increased with the more money you had, and decreased the more poor you were. I'd like to say that is totally in the past, but there have always been remnants of that dynamic in virtually every society.

@snytiger6 True, if you are rich enough, and still a POC, that money will buy you more rights than others of your caste group.

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