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People that watch TV regularly are mentally handicapped. I mean these people can't function without a television. They require assistive technology to live. We need to help these poor mentally handicapped television viewers. They should receive SS from the government for their disability. We need to shine a light on their plight. We need to be accepting of their limitations and handicaps. We love you TV watchers! We support you and your disability!

Drank_Spear 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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You of course get all your news/info from printed newspapers........

@Drank_Spear so, you take off your tin foil hat once in awhile and let the thoughts in?


you must extend handicap to all people who lump a group into some arbitrary category, making vilification of the said group seem logical and just.
One one should remember is that it is the individual that matters.
Arbitrary category groups have never contributed to society. Individuals have and do


I am able to watch TV and movies from all over the world. Now that I am an old man this is how I pass time. I work 2 days a week and when not working this is what I do -- TV and movies from all over.

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