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Humanists UK

Ryo1 8 Jan 31

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The American Humanist Association has several facets. One was the group the 'Humanists.' I was a member of a number of years but noticed some internal issues. They became too fixed on humans and ignored certain other issues. The constant rehashing of the holocaust was one such group and now we have come to see how the Zionists are using that history to excuse their actions against the Palestinians. I then found a better group, Free Inquiry. Free Inquiry is not afraid of asking hard questions even about humans place in the world.[]


Love this

Unity Level 8 Feb 1, 2024

I have identified as Agnostic Atheist and Secular Humanist for the past 60+ years.


Perhaps. Though I would say, that they are talking about "secular philosophy", of which Humanism is only a sub-set, albeit maybe, the best and largest sub-set. Nothing wrong with what they say, but a bit of a grandiose claim.

Yes, it is an idealistic claim. Yet, not too unrealistic.


Here, it’s called the New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists.

Maybe I should join.

The website address appears to direct to an architectural firm. 🤣 Although the website doesn’t have any contact details….


I have become a USA Humanist.

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