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What IS the big deal?

TheoryNumber3 8 Feb 1

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I know almost nothing of Taylor Swift but I don't give a damn who she kisses, marries, or is into. People seem to want control of her in a total way.


I think a better comparison to Swift-Kelce is Posh Spice and David Beckham. I watched the Beckham biopic on Netflix so didn’t know much about them until then. They seemed to have made it work as difficult as the fishbowl is.

I just saw a terrible Taylor-bashing meme upstream of your post on this very site so Taylor-bashers are among us. I’m not into her music. I love that she pisses people off for silly reasons.

And I got pissed at Kelce for playing so well against teams I wanted to beat the Chiefs and will probably root for the 49ers and watch them lose too. Yet I respect Kelce for being an apt TV personality, promoting the flu-COVID shot combo and taking flak from knuckle-draggers like that COVIDiot Aaron Rodgers.


The man was a jealous individual and attempted to stall her career as an actress .After filming the subway grate scene (where her dress blue upwards )in the seven year itch he beat her up in their hotel room later that night .DiMaggio’s son also recalled his fathers physical attacks on Monroe.Evan after their divorce he kept stalking her .He even tried to break into an apartment of which he thought it was hers .This is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to this jerk

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