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You won't fix healthcare by fixing healthcare. The real solution is preventing illness by changing factors to keep everyone from getting sick. How is that accomplished? We cannot allow people to profit from things that are unhealthy for us, a principle behind drug enforcement. Yet, sugar and other harmful food additives aren't classified as dangerous drugs. It's time for a major re-evaluation to remove these harmful additives from our shelves and return to a healthier way of living, like we did a century ago.

Consider this: marijuana and mushrooms aren't killing people, yet sugar is claiming millions of lives, likely affecting you or someone you know. It should be no more difficult than the process to remove marijuana from the schedule list to add these dangerous food additives. It only requires a shift in thinking.

Drank_Spear 7 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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There has to be an ongoing balance between government enforcement of behavior & social pressures. Tobacco is a death sentence yet is still legal altho I have seen a remarkable decline of cigarette butts along my county road. Where that balance is, might be reflected in voting trends.


There is more money to be made in treating illness than In curing it .Just think how many of these parasitic pharmaceutical conglomerates would be out of business if they cured people instead of addicting them with drugs.For instance high blood pressure can be curbed naturally and that goes for lowering cholesterol with change of diet and exercise .


OK. I guess I should quit using raw Mexican sugar. Do you really think marijuana will be listed as a dangerous food additive?

can you not read and comprehend?

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