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RT is reporting Tucker Carlson is in Moscow. An interview with Putin could be on the cards.

puff 8 Feb 4

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Expect a note then from Putin, threatening that if the US does not stop supporting Ukrain and Israel, they will send him back!

Like sending back a radiographers Cobalt pellet. Looks harmless, but toxic as hell to all life around him.


RT is a propaganda arm of Trump's puppet master. Totally unreliable as a source. Believe what you want but I prefer credentials of merit.

So you will not view an interview because of the broadcaster. That will teach them.

@puff No. I will listen but I would rather hear it on a more reputable forum. With RT one never knows what they are up to. I can't trust Putin or his cabal of info dispensers.

@Mooolah Luckily any interview would not be on RT, it would be on Carlson's own network.

@puff Carlson Schmarlson. Same shit as RT.

@Mooolah What, you mean media sources with far bigger audiences than CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc etc. Yeah, probably true.

@puff A variety of sources if one has time. I am all over the place with my vetting for corroboration. I do not get my news from Television. So much is just opinion. I look for eye witness reporting, history & the scripted word. BBC to Al Jezerra. Christian Science Monitor to The New Republic. But I have as much time as I want to research & develop my opinion. Others do not.

@Mooolah This is (was) an interview. Only one source needed, all rest is commentary. If you refuse to view because of the interviewer............your loss

@puff I would listen to any interview if I could stomach the parties.


That interview would be an exercise in questions intended to hide truth being answered by lies. Does that equal a negative plus a negative is actually a positive ? Listening would be thoroughly confusing.

Ten years since Russia annexed Crimea. A 10 year war to the Ukrainians.

Be better than watching Biden's vision and denial he knows anything about family brand name business

Ten years, that would be 2014. what happened then? Oh yeah, a coup that overthrew a democratically elected government (democracy is so important you know. Politicians tell us how important ALL the time). The civil war.
You may google this. The Russians intercepted a phone call between Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador in Ukraine, They were discussing who they should make leader, a good month before the coup that took "everybody by surprise". The coup happened, Russia took Crimea after locals requested help for the coup leaders started shelling them. A civil war


OK. Would we believe that interview? Can we say honestly that Putin invaded the Ukraine because of Nazis rather than thinking he just wanted to get a part of Russia back. Putin is all about empire and RT is the Russian answer to CNN.

A Ukranian leader just admitted in an interview the war has been going 10 years. You think it started 2022?

@puff Hmmm. People took a long time to talk about it. That means you and everybody else too.

@DenoPenno Not really. I was accused of being "Putin's puppet" quite regularly for pointing out Ukraine had a civil war going, funded by NATO.

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