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75% Of House Democrats Voted Against Deporting Criminal Migrants Who Commit Social Security Fraud
February 2nd, 2024
Via: ZeroHedge:

Democrats talk a big game about ‘Republican attacks on Social Security,’ but 75% of House Dems just voted against deporting migrants who commit Social Security fraud.

Introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) in December, H.R. 6678 passed with 172 “yea” votes, and 155 “nay” votes – all Democrats, with 55 of them voting with the Republicans.

1patriot 8 Feb 4

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Migrant workers pay into SSI but many do not collect the benefits. Same with tax refunds.

how down you know this you work in that government in canada they get paid more than a senior who paid all there life. so they are not trying to get work unless it's for cash.

@1patriot Believe half of what you see & none of what you hear....and nothing on the internet. You can't just say stuff & expect folks to believe you.

@Mooolah what i just told was off the government of canada web should be able to trust them but that's what many thought about the CDC

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