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**The Insanity of The Left is Illustrated in The Last Two Posts:

*First A Post in Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter😘

The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, the tens of thousands of deaths, and the physical destruction of Ukraine.

President Joe Biden is refusing to fold a losing hand as he bets with Ukrainian lives and U.S. taxpayer money. Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer propose to squander the lives of tens of thousands more Ukrainians and $61 billions of federal funds to keep Biden’s disastrous foreign policy failure hidden from view until after the November election.

The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, tens of thousands of deaths, and physical destruction of Ukraine. It will not “save” Ukraine. Ukraine’s security can only be achieved at the negotiating table, not by some fantasized military triumph over Russia.

This is from a liberal college professor who is pointing out the futility of the war on Ukraine:

Next A Post from Trump Pinata

My GOP defeated Russia so why is today's GOP kissing Putin's ass while he uses weapons from Iran and North Korea.

Literally at the same time, one leftist group is pointing out the futility of prolonging the war in Ukraine, while the other leftist group is blaming the Republicans for pointing out the futility of prolonging the war in Ukraine.

It would be nice to be able to point this out to both groups, but I have been banned from both groups!

Nobody gets banned from Conservative Athiests. The leftist ideas can only survive in an echo chamber of similarly brainwashed individuals.

BD66 8 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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War sucks, no matter how you look at it and no matter who all is involved. Can't say I agree with our Government providing all of that aid to these other countries (Ukraine, Israel, and the list goes on), but I can certainly understand why the Ukrainians are acting like they are as their freedom is at stake, fighting against a homicidal tyrant (Putin). Also, not sure if the effort put forth by the Ukrainians is ultimately futile as we are led to believe it is, as back in February 2022 Putin had claimed it would only take mere weeks until Ukraine could be overpowered... but he was wrong, the Ukes appear to be putting up one hell of a fight. That's not to mention the number of internal problems that Putin has faced.

That all said, again, I pretty much agree with you on the Government spending part, as that sort of thing should not fall squarely on our country, and we cannot nor should we ever be either the global police force or global country aid office. Also, I too must wonder about some of these Republican politicians and their followers who take sides with a guy like Putin, and could only help wonder what Reagan would think about all of that if he were still living?

As for the progressive groups making conflicting arguing points, what else is new, lol. They all have issues just like the hardline conservatives do. Neither of those crowds are truly liberal like you and I are, and guys like us are stuck between two moronic extremes hellbent on causing division and chaos among the rest of us. Politics as usual...


You really are a stupid draft dodging pile of Putin loving shit aren't you?....In less than a week there will be over 400K Russians dead or disabled and at least half of their military equipment is now destroyed.... Another 61 billion in aid means over 1 million terrorists gone and the rest of their equipment with them...Russia is already completely demoralized and weakened. This means they will be forced to withdraw from Ukraine completely including Crimea as well then accept not just defeat but end up paying for their war of aggression as well which means that WW3 will be headed off instead of Putin starting it in Europe and it spreading here. Why do you idiots always make claims based on Russian propaganda? The reason Putin is pushing so hard is he knows for a fact if he doesn't defeat Ukraine before the US breaks the GQP and starts supporting Ukraine again with military aid his dreams are toast.

2 more Russian oil refineries went kaboom today alone which means 10 or 12 are now completely offline as well as a missile plant, their drone factory, their factory producing tank engines and many other parts of their critical military infrastructure. Much of what Ukraine is destroying inside Russia can't be repaired or replaced just like their military equipment because they lack critical resources or the means to produce those resources (like military grade steel). Their civilian infrastructure is collapsing because they won't invest in the maintenance or upgrades needed to keep it from falling apart, and their economy is collapsing around them as well. To purchase those 6,000 Iranian Shahad drones they had to pay Iran in gold (2 tons according to intelligence reports) because they are running out of cruise missiles. Russia and China both are greatly exaggerating their military strength and both are in a state of economic collapse just like the Soviet Union was.... and Putin's health is...




Both parties don't give a shit about us, they're playing games with us to separate us....

I second that. Can't stand either extreme, and the divisive games they like to play with others.


Ever hear of Neville Chamberlin, of "peace in our time" fame?


Possibly part of your concern is in referring to individuals as Left or Right. While people can be identified as parts of one group or another, or generally associated with such, each are still individuals and entitled to expressing individual views that are not subject to fitting any criteria.

I wish that were the cause. Unfortunately the majority of our country either gets their news from FOX and they lean to the right or from CNN/MSNBC and they lean to the left. In this case, both sides are seeing the futility of sending more money to Ukraine to prolong the war, but the leftists would prefer to accuse the right of that. You can find many examples of stupidity of the right. Their hatred of electric vehicles being chief among them. However, you find more examples of leftist stupidity on this web site because it's dominated by leftists.

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