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TheoryNumber3 8 Feb 9

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I had a parallelogram in my backyard last night. Thanks to classes in math, I was able to defeat it.


High schools now try to prepare all students for college instead of trying to prepare them for adulthood.

That is true


I learned how to do my taxes in high school. I needed math credits to graduate and Mr. Fields taught a basic math glass. A math for dummies as it were. Me and all the other goof offs.
We also learned budgeting, how interest works (not that a woman could actually get her own credit card in 1971) as well as doing ones income taxes.
My twin was not math challenged like I am, she aced algebra, etc. but never learned to do her own taxes, still has someone else do them. She also choose an adjustable rate loan for a time share she bought 4 years ago. Then bitched Biden hiked the interest rates. I pissed her off when I asked incredulously "You decided to do an an adjustable rate?" and then laughed, she hung up on me.

In the late 1990s I was transitioning from being employed in the printing industry to a self employed potter. I was renting out my condo, I was carrying the contract on a 10 acre parcel I had sold. I had an account with a broker to trade stocks and commodities (the trades have to be reported on different schedules) and I was buying my own home where my pottery studio was set up. I did all the work myself, 14 pages of forms and schedules. Just to be on the safe side I paid a tax accountant to review my work. He said I did great, he couldn't find anything wrong and I'd gotten the best outcome with the lowest amount due possible. He only charged me $50 since it was just a review and he found no extra ways to lower what I owned which was just under a hundred bucks. I may be math challenged but I can read instructions and do simple math.

My last math class as a senior was a refresher course. Algebra (which I had failed the last two years), calculus and trigonometry, which I had never taken. And a semester on tax preparation. I didn’t need a math credit to graduate, so I chose this course for the tax session. My grades were F, F, B, F! And I have saved hundreds of dollars ever since doing my own taxes. And thanks to Turbo Tax, it only got easier.

@Barnie2years I squeeked by with Ds, except for those pesky math classes, wich I avoided for the most part, hense needing math credits to graduate. My twin sister aced algebra but did not calculus and trig until she got into the apprentiseship program at GM to become a tool and dye maker. She aced those math classes.
I have always been like a dyslexic with algebra and advanced math. I too have saved on doin my own taxes. I enjoy doing them and still order the forms and do them by hand and mail it in.

I have an AA, a BA, a teaching credential, and an MA. I never took a math class in higher education, not even when getting the teaching credential. The only thing I remember about the class for math in the program was that we learned about the seven strands of mathematics. My other degrees are in literature/creative writing. I can do basic math, and that's all I need. I never had an algebra class.

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