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Before you argue with someone ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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True, but sometimes it is not about getting them to see, but more about defending something, especially for the sake of the others present.

Yes and belonging to a like minded group. I am beginning to understand.


Arguing with an idiot is like trying to nail jelly to a wall
It won't stick, it fails and ultimately is a waste of good jelly


Yes, that's why I remain silent and bite my tongue rather than argue, but it doesn't keep me from stating my different perspective. I just try to avoid arguing.

Happy to answer their questions, if their minds are open, but I've learned there is no hope of getting them to change their minds when their brains are locked. I do like to create awareness that there are people they know and respect who have reasons to have different thoughts and ideas.

Yes. "Their brains are locked". Now that makes sense to me. I must remind myself that folks can have a brain that is locked as you said. A closed mind. Perhaps seeing things from an opposing view is somehow capitulation or surrender. A defeat. Very frustrating for me to accept that characteristic in people. Having been socially isolated in the early years of my life, I just do not understand how people can come to an aberrant conclusion when the facts have been corroborated by numerous ethical sources. I am living perplexed.

@Mooolah My feeling is that when more people speak up with the truth, people who don't think very deeply might start actually considering the truth without evidence too, haha! No argument needed. Sometimes the less that is said the better, especially by people who are considered smart, nice and respectful..

For whatever reason, there are some people I am around who consider me to be smart and nice, and I could tell them anything and they would believe me. I just happen to like the truth. 😉


Dick Gregory could not be more correct. Why do I waste my time? The audacity of hope perhaps.

While I'd like to have hope, I also know how people are set in their ways. I am frequently troubled by how ignorant people are, and having the benefit of study, I'd love to pass on both my knowledge and the remaining questions. Not that many can sustain the focus needed to grasp the wonder and subtleties that surround them. Their brains tire easily. So while I endorse a scientific worldview, I feel hamstrung in searching for examples that people can digest. Even simple explanations elude their minds, or don't mesh with their preconceptions. People are lazy and have ever shorter attention spans. As a species, we're not ready for science. We could know the Universe, but choose bogus gods instead. Religion teaches the anger that people prefer to embrace.

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