An unfinished parable...
A young woman calls crying and distraught. It started when she was 11 when her father began molesting her. Her mother ignored it. Her father was a prominent attorney and the mother didn't want to rock the boat. After a few years, the daughter fled, and somehow connected with another woman who seemed sympathetic. However, in time, the companion became psychologically abusive. The daughter had enough attachment that she didn't leave. After a couple more fights, the companion committed suicide. The woman later found out that her father arranged for the companion to hook up with her.
Now the attorney is a DA, and with that privilege comes the narcissist bullying. He began texting her with smut and lewd suggestions. Her business requires her to have a phone and she is transitioning to a new number, but it's a huge inconvenience. Her friends have been pressured to give up the new number. Meanwhile, her mother also sends ugly messages condemning her for making trouble!
Elsewhere, a former Pentecostal church member posts a message saying how her first abuser was god. Her family responds with a slew of outraged posts.The stories elaborate about how one church member raped another, but she's the one who needs to forgive the rapist. At what point does forgiveness become enabling?