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It is often said that, conflict and crisis breed unity. In difficult times we all pull together to address the common problem. And the reverse may also be true, that peace and wealth breed hate and division, since many who are rich safe and comfortable, often have quite exaggerated and irrational fears, that their wealth and safety may be under threat, through what used to be called paranoia.

Yet, I also wonder, if there is not more to it than that. Because the safe and wealthy, can still be genuinely unhappy. So of course, naturally they look to find what is to blame for that unhappiness, and though it is most probable that they themselves, or even indeed the wealth, are the problem. Yet they are unlikely to see that, because to look inward and address your own failings, or to face up to the fact that what you have worked hard for, is not living up to its promise, is very hard. That sort of thinking requires great effort and honesty.

It is much easier to look outward and find a scapegoat to blame, however irrational that blame may be. So that it is not needful to address what makes your home unhappy, and change it, but rather to say that. "This would be a happy home, if it was not for those !" Be "those" people of a different ethnicity, who you meet at work or on the street, a different political persuasion who enter your home through the media, different religions, your employers, employees or whatever.

Is it any wonder then. That a government could preside over a period of economic growth, increasing social welfare, and decreasing crime. Yet still find that hate, blame culture, and ethnic conflict are increasing on the street and in the media ?

Fernapple 9 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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The modern media facilitates this phenomenon and profits from it. Whoever thought that stirring shit would pay so well?


Look at the worlds happiest country Finland and see what is different there then where you live.


Still, the most important item is missing-the cost to our natural environment. Right now the crashing environment is costing trillions of dollars and it will get worse.

Had to laugh as this morning on our National Public Radio was a report on relationships often lead to a crises. People start to fight which, in turn often leads to sex. The term was fighting as foreplay. Crises solved (for the moment).


Economic growth for 1% of the population is not truly economic growth….🤔


and that the blame actually is turned on the government providing social welfare. The angry ones I know seem to feel too many are receiving too much for free, instead of earning it. Like it is their fault as workers that the employer under pays them, and that they therefore do not deserve such welfare.


This sounds logical to me.


I agree. In times of crisis there is a common goal but in peacetime people are more segregated, making it easier to blame other's for their discontent.
Even if everyone was of the same ethnicity and had the same culture there would be conflict. We have a bad habit of grouping people into categories then finding fault within those categories. Wouldn't matter if it was hair colour or body shape or something else. There would always be something to complain and fight about.
Being human means, some will always find something to fight about to the detriment of others.

Betty Level 8 Feb 18, 2024

You need to see the movie Origin or read the book Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson. She spells out how there has always been a system of organizing the pecking order of humans into groups of the dominant all the way down to the lowest submissive groups.


Absolutely spot on!!

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