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Dutch Climate Expert Dr. Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax”

Journalist Arthur Blok interviewed climate expert Dr. Guus Berkhout, the president of Clintel, about climate and the alleged climate emergency. “We tell a truthful story, not just one side,” said Clintel founder emeritus professor Guus Berkhout. Clintel published the ‘World Climate Declaration’, which has an impressive list of over 1890 signatories worldwide, including Nobel Prize laureates and leading scientists and climate experts. Berkhout says “The climate system is very complex, and we still know little about how it works. Fake scientists claim that ‘the science is settled,’ but honest scientists say the opposite. They acknowledge that current theoretical models are still primitive and must not be used in climate policies. In other words, climate models are not fit for purpose!” Many climate parameter simulated by climate models are contradicted by measurements. “How does the science of IPCC work? They started 30 years ago with the claim, ‘Global warming is caused by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (CO2). Next, they created a theoretical model that confirms their claim. An approach that is a mortal sin in science”, he explained. “There is a massive subsidy-driven machine behind the climate madness. You will be excommunicated as a scientist if you don’t go along. Clintel is fighting as David against Goliath.”

1patriot 8 Feb 21

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Augustinus Johannes "Guus" Berkhout (born 1 April 1940) is a Dutch engineer who has worked for the oil and gas industry, and as a professor.

Berkhout started his career working for Shell.

In 2019, Berkhout co-founded the Climate change denial organization Climate Intelligence Foundation. - Wikipedia

who gives a fuck he's climate science and know more that the genius you are. Wikipedia is zionist owned notice how they always ask for money

@1patriot You are so stupid, and learn how to write.

@nogod4me your to stupid to figure out so fuck off!

@1patriot I don't need to figure out childish gibberish, learn how to read and write.


Isn’t Guus Berkhout a retired geophysicist who worked for the oil company Shell?

Just wondering, how is his specialty related to climate change?

Bingo! 🎯 The mother fucker isn't even a climate scientist. He's an oil company engineer/geophysicist.


@Flyingsaucesir Professor Guus Berkhout is setting up a new international climate institute in the your zionist news information hub is full of shit!

@1patriot Another science-denying, disinformation organ of the fossil fuel industry.

@1patriot That’s correct, the “There’s No Climate Emergency” website is here: []

@Zealandia [] this is the one in alaska

@Flyingsaucesir owns his own company....where's your nobel prize winner go back 40 year see if you find one LOL you won't.


all you guys post is pseudoscience you got a lots shit to learn. where is your Nobel scientist on climate change because you don't have any. bunch of numb nuts your looking more stupid every day


Skeptical Science has a great APP to answer the climate change deniers. You can type in the climate change deniers nonsense and get the scientific rebuttal or answer, see below.

Explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation

Global warming is real and human-caused. It is leading to large-scale climate change. Under the guise of climate "skepticism", the public is bombarded with misinformation that casts doubt on the reality of human-caused global warming. This website gets skeptical about global warming "skepticism".

Our mission is simple: debunk climate misinformation by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of science denial, discourses of climate delay, and climate solutions denial.


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Aaaah, yeeaaas, Clintel, established less than a year ago to garner your money.
Why not send more???


Who the hell is Dutch "climate expert" Dr. Guus Berkhout? Unless he has been misquoted here, it doesn't matter, because he is full of shit. The science showing that global warming is real, accelerating, and caused by human activity (mainly burning fossil fuels) is rock solid. But credit where credit is due, @1patriot has an exceptional talent for digging up wacko, conspiracy theory-spouting crackpots. Way to go, @1patriot! Once again you have earned the Red Seal of Disapproval. 😂😂😂

I agree with you . Additionally there are numerous articles published by scientists showing that throughout history every time temperatures rose, it corresponded with increased levels of carbon dioxide.

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