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1,200 Scientists, Scholars Declare: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
A group of almost 1200 of the world’s leading scientists and scholars has signed a document to declare that “there is no climate emergency.”

The group, led by a Nobel Prize laureate, signed the declaration that states climate science is based more on personal beliefs and political agendas than rigorous scientific facts.

The World Climate Declaration warns that climate science “should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”

1patriot 7 Feb 24

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Years ago when I taught 8th grade science I assigned climate change as a research topic for my students. A fundamental requirement for their presentations was citing reliable scientific sources.

This link to your rag does not meet the minimal standards I required of my 8th grade students.
Yes, I taught them to follow the links and question the validity of their sources.

Here is a link that includes a series of debunks for such climate change deniers you appear to follow.

If this link does not work go to YOUTUBE and spend a few days watching
potholer54. He teaches people how to question sources and follow scientific facts over politics. (your declared objective?) He also has a LONG playlist debunking climate change denial.

The rag (paper with at best questionable citations) that you linked to presents as it’s primary authoritative citation a Dutch engineer who worked for the Oil and gas industry and as a professor that stepped down mid term in 2001 due to “differences with other board members..”
Sounds like his work in seismic research for a consortium of oil and gas companies was profitable but as the primary source for this article on climate change denial? . . . climatology was not his field of study.

I did find the organization and paper your rag refers to. . . According to []

 In addition to very low scientific content, The analysis also added that, out of the roughly 500 signatories, only 10 self-identified as climate scientists. So much for 1,200 scientists. . . I’m sure they added a few names in the last few years but I can’t find a current list.

As I noted earlier, this article stinks of “100 ND Doctors who support person-hood”. When after checking their names and professions, most were lab technicians and eye care specialists. - yea, like non climate scientists commenting on climate, lab techs are really relevant medical doctors for denying women's reproductive health. . . NOT!


Well all you fucker have 4 years at the best get your shit together because they are taking you either way it's your fucking opinion
Not mine

That's right, have a good cry, you'll feel better.

@Flyingsaucesir oh won't be crying over you, your the walking dead, and many of you are. and if the jabb does take out, you're going to died from climate change. there again you can cry if it doesn't happen. i just posted video on Blackrock and vanguard. explain who paying the scientist to lie to you their are no nobel scientist in you group of pseudoscientist scientist so get that through your thick skull. Just had a family member die yesterday from the jab.

@1patriot So far, I've had 5 COVID-19 vaccinations over 4 years. I haven't had COVID, and I'm feeling great. But thanks for your concern. 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir better go get the other 2


Your source is known to be a right wing opinion and propaganda site, not an actual factual news site.


@snytiger6 fucking factcheckers the biggest lairs we have, the post that's you posted is not even pseudoscience lol get a life


What a load of BS.

This reminds me of a few years back when I wrote a "letter to the editor" to our local paper where I shared my story of talking with a much respected general practitioner (family medical doctor) about the ramifications of Margaret Sitte's Measure 1. (the general populous vote was about a month out).

When I asked the doctor what he thought about Sitte's Measure 1 (Margarete copied and pasted the definition of Personhood to construct her measure) he told me it was terrible. He and another medical Doctor had hired a lawyer in Grand Forks to evaluate the measure and based on the lawyers interpretation of the measure, if a woman with an ectopic pregnancy were to present in his office, all he could do is advise her to get her affairs in order because (under the law Sitte was trying to push) the doctor could not provide service so the pregnant woman was going to die. - - I included a list of other horrible ramifications about personhood from other sources. The Tribune did not want to publish my letter. They called me and tried to talk me out of submitting but after two weeks they changed my title, and published it. Online my letter to the editor became rather popular and two days later the paper published a full page list (add) of 100 DOCTORS in ND who were in favor of Measure #1 "personhood"

Took me many hours but I went through every name on the list and background searched every "doctor". If memory serves, I found 3 doctors were in the field of reproductive health. There were a few (one to three?) family doctors but the vast majority of the "doctors" were eye care specialist or lab technicians. I could find no information for two of the names on the list.

This. " . . almost 1200 of the world’s leading scientists" has the same stink as the 100 DOCTORS in ND.

Fuck another woke prick now 5 woke fuckers do chat i won't be speaking to any more sick of you fuckers


I don't believe a word of it for the following reason:

Slay News – Bias and Credibility
Slay News - Right Bias - Hate Group - Conservative - Fake News - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Very Low - Biased - Not Credible - Fake News

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Overall, we rate Slay News Far-Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, lack of transparency, failed fact checks, and blatant plagiarism.

Detailed Report

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Fake News, False Claims, Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency, Plagiarism
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Launched in 2021, Slay News is an anonymously run conservative news and opinion website. According to their about page, “Slay News is unapologetically pro-America and pro-free speech and stands by a pledge to put our people before corporate interests or political agenda.”

The website lacks transparency as it does not list ownership, and the authors have no information about who they are. The website appears to be based in NC, but this is not verified.

Read our profile on the United States media and government.
Funded by / Ownership

Slay News lacks transparency as they do not list ownership or funding. Advertising generates revenue.
Analysis / Bias

Slay News is a conservative news and opinion website that frequently promotes misinformation and false claims, especially as it relates to Covid-19 vaccines and WEF conspiracies (see failed fact checks).

The website does not produce original journalism but rather summarizes, adds commentary, or plagiarizes other’s news content without attribution. Further, their editorial standards page is copied directly from The Blaze website. Articles and headlines contain strongly emotional wording such as this ‘Climate Czar’ John Kerry Caught Lying about Private Jet Use during House Hearing and Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist: ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Is a Hoax.

Editorially, all stories favor the conservative right and often promote conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. For example, they frequently promote anti-vaccine propaganda, such as this ‘Vaccination Expert’ Dr Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42 after Promoting Shots on TV. There is no evidence to indicate the MD died from the vaccine. Further, the source of this information is the anti-vaccine outlet DiedSuddenly. Finally, Slay News strongly supports former President Trump and repeats his stolen election claims like this Dinesh D’Souza Challenges Bill Barr to Debate over Election Fraud Claims in ‘2000 Mules’. They also consistently denigrate Democrats, such as this Obama’s WH Doctor Warns Biden’s Mental Decline ‘Brings Us Closer’ to WW3. In general, Slay News is a far-right biased news source that routinely promotes disinformation for purposes that are unknown.
Failed Fact Checks

“those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life.” – Incorrect
“Zero Amish children diagnosed with cancer, diabetes or autism.” – Pants on Fire
92% of COVID-19 deaths are among the fully vaccinated, according to a government study. – Misleading
The World Economic Forum (WEF) called for artificial intelligence to write a bible and create new religions that the WEF described as “actually correct.” – False
“Artificial Sweeteners Behind Spike in Sudden Deaths, Heart Attacks, ‘Experts’ Claim.” – False
“1,884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests in 2.5 Years, 1,310 Dead.” – False

Overall, we rate Slay News Far-Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, lack of transparency, failed fact checks, and blatant plagiarism. (D. Van Zandt 07/15/2023) Updated (01/03/2024)

Source: []

Last Updated on January 3, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

Interesting how you can find out All of this, that the sources used are BS, in what, <5 minutes, but @1patriot cannot find his ass with either hand, still/ever.

@annewimsey500 One of the things I learned early on was how to fact check and source check. It served me well in the Air Force and later in the newspaper. There are also key things to check when you read the article, are sources named and cited or just referred to, He just cuts and pastes anything he thinks he'll get paid for posting, at least i hope he is getting paid, I would hate to think he is really that dumb.


@glennlab didn't fuckin help you with the death jabb did it. your countries killing you and you remain brain dead they create that tv series walking dead for you guys


Skeptical Science has a great APP to answer the climate change deniers. You can type in the climate change deniers nonsense and get the scientific rebuttal or answer, see below.

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Global warming is real and human-caused. It is leading to large-scale climate change. Under the guise of climate "skepticism", the public is bombarded with misinformation that casts doubt on the reality of human-caused global warming. This website gets skeptical about global warming "skepticism".

Our mission is simple: debunk climate misinformation by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of science denial, discourses of climate delay, and climate solutions denial.


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pseudoscience try posting the real stuff for change i am not asking you to get naked or anything just use your big head instead of your little head. i am still waiting for your nobel prize winner on climate change go back 40 years if want i only went one year back i know there's more of them

@1patriot Don't pretend that you read or know anything. You are laughable.

@nogod4me pseudoscience the only shit for brains that would show this and think it's real where your peer reviewed write up on climate change....ah you can't find any, shit for brains

@1patriot You make no sense, you are an idiot.

@nogod4me i don't give a fuck go get your jabb your late. We less pricks around

@1patriot Your words are gobbledygook. If you want to make a point, you need to learn how to read and write.

Using the laugh emoji 😂 on people's serious or relevant comments as if it was a weapon or had power is laughable already. But when you paste words you don't understand and make unintelligible comments without proof and reference to facts, it is even funnier. When you make a post with ridiculous memes and debunked articles that you copy and paste you seem like a gullible, childish, fool.

Are you sure you are not Russian or a Trump rioter and insurrectionist hiding out in Canada? The word "riot" is contained in your handle. Even so, you are a riot.

By the way, are you a patriot of Canada or a US patriot wannabe ? You seem more interested in the US than Canada. Please don't come here, we have too many Trump loonies as it is.

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