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Victimless crime NYC billionaire speaking about NYC who was it said on monday yea just a few truckers big deal! LOL eat your words

It Begins… NYC Is Collapsing 🔥 Trucker Boycott Major Investors Abandon NYC 💥 TRUCKERS For Trump NYC CRISIS 4: NYC Is Collapsing 🔥 Major Investors Abandon NEW YORK CITY 💥 TRUCKERS For Trump The legal actions against former President Donald Trump by New York officials may damage the city's and country's reputation for stable and impartial rule of law, according to attorney Robert Barnes.

Barnes argued that reliable legal systems have made America an attractive place for global investment, especially in New York real estate.

However, lawsuits against Trump, a major player in New York real estate, undermine trust in the fairness of the U.S. legal system.

Barnes claimed these politically motivated cases against Trump weaken New York and the nation as destinations for investment, as they appear driven by a personal vendetta rather than impartial application of the law.

Ultimately, Barnes contends that targeting Trump hurts New York and America more than Trump himself, by calling into question the integrity of the American justice system.

1patriot 8 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I hope New York City gets what they deserve a cesspool.

Sorry to see you’re still dealing with DDS (Democrat derangement syndrome), hopefully you’ll get better soon😉


Bla, Bla, Bla, what a bunch of BS. The charges and judgments against Trump are long overdue, the guy has basically been a fraud his entire life. The guy simply broke laws that are in place to ensure the integrity of our financial institutions!!! These judgments against him send a much needed message to all businessmen out there........Sorry to break it to you Kevin, but NY is doing fine and could care less if you don't business there......

fuck great hear we will see in 6 month so far it's been a week.

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