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Did you know NASA has finally revealed the truth about the fake moon landings?
Mainstream media barely reported on the astonishing revelations, so most people remain none the wiser about what NASA has admitted in the last 12 months
The truth of the matter is NASA has all but admitted the landings were fake, and anybody who works in the space industry or has any knowledge about rocket science has quietly accepted that the whole thing was a charade. So why the hell is nobody talking about this?

1patriot 8 Feb 27

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There is literally nothing in that article which demonstrates that NASA claimed the moon landings were fake.

have you looked that part up? []
NASA admitted it in 1969, the zionist media has removed that video as it would been on all their media stations at the time. not sure if it ever seen the papers. A news report in 1969 showed that NASA admitted that the Moon landing was fake. article titled, “NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings”, claimed that the American space agency has all but admitted the landings were fake.

From The News Report: []

[] seem to be easy to find

@1patriot No where in either of those links does NASA admit anything about fake moon landings. There are people making claims which may or may not have been taken out of context but nothing from the organization at all.

As far as the technology being lost, do you know how the pyramids were built?

@redbai but you didn't even watch them what does the head line say. they said it 1969 after they got back. A news report in 1969 showed that NASA admitted that the Moon landing was fake. article titled, “NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings”, claimed that the American space agency has all but admitted the landings were fake.

From The News Report:

“Anybody who works in the space industry or has any knowledge about rocket science has quietly accepted that the whole thing was a charade. So why the hell is nobody talking about this?”, said the article.

It also reported that Americans didn't go to Moon in 1969:

"No human being -- American, Russian, Chinese or ancient Egyptian -- has been past lower Earth orbit which is about 1000 miles above sea level.”

The article also stated that in 1969, when a computer with the computing power of a TI-89 middle school graphing calculator was the size of a house, “We didn't even have the technology for VCRs yet. We didn't even have tape recorders.”

And that’s right. In 1969, NASA could barely get their specially designed helicopter to sustain fight without crashing from 20 feet off the ground. In fact, Neil Armstrong almost died during training exercises with the craft, given the inferior quality of its primitive guidance system. In 1969, NASA was running computers with less than 72 kilobytes of memory, max.

This is barely enough power to run the computer game, Pong. Pong was one of the first computer games that ever created. This simple tennis like game featured two simulated paddles and a ball, and the goal was to defeat your opponent by being the first one to gain 10 point. The game can be played with two human players, or one player against a computer controlled paddle. The game was originally developed by Allan Alcorn and released in 1972 by Atari corporations

A typical Apollo computer had 72 KB of read-only memory (ROM), which translates to 589,824 bits. Apollo used very primitive “Core Rope” memory back then. These were The Dark Ages of computer power. Core Rope memory is a form of read-only memory (ROM) for computers, first used in the 1960s by early NASA Mars space probes and then in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and programmed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Instrumentation Lab and built by Raytheon.

Primative Core Rope Memory Test Sample From The Apollo Program:

We literally didn’t go to the moon in 1969 and, to this day, no human being watch it at the 1.27 the fucking guy admits it, one the idiots at NASA Don Pettit. []

[] and this fucking tells why! We literally didn’t go to the moon in 1969 and, to this day, no human being — American, Russian, Chinese or ancient Egyptian — has been past lower earth orbit which is about 1000 miles above sea level.

That’s right, no human being has ever been higher than 1000 miles above sea level… Except for those times we “went to the moon” which is 240,000 miles away. And guess what, we did that in 1969! When a computer with the computing power of a TI-89 graphing calculator was the size of a house. We didn’t even have the technology for VCRs yet. We didn’t even have microwaves.

Fast forward to today, over 50 years later, when an iPhone 12 has more computing power than every single computer on Earth in 1969 COMBINED.

And yet…. NASA claims that we can’t go back to the moon because we have “lost the technology” to go to the moon. Apparently it was “destroyed” but they won’t tell us how or why.

The moon is about 240,000 miles away from Earth. The space shuttle has never gone more than 500 miles from our atmosphere. Except for Apollo astronauts, no human has ever claimed to have gone beyond low-earth orbit. When the space shuttle did get to an altitude of 400 miles, the radiation of the Van Allen belts and nuclear tests forced them to a lower altitude. In 1998 CNN reported: “The radiation belts surrounding Earth may be more dangerous for astronauts than previously believed. The phenomenon known as the ‘Van Allen Belts’ can spawn (newly discovered) ‘Killer Electrons’ that can dramatically affect the astronauts’ health.” astronaut said this. right here []

@1patriot None of that is NASA admitting anything, it's you assuming things based on out of context statements. The size of a computer is totally irrelevant. Here's a clue, some people are smart enough to make the calculations that a computer would, it would just take longer.

@redbai The radiation belts is what the nasa scienctist is talking about i assume fuck all like your accusing me of your just being to lazy to look for the video i keep sending you. Assuming is not science

@1patriot FTR, I did watch the video and I am aware of the various layers and the arguments as to why they couldn't be navigated through because of various levels of heat and radiation. That is not NASA admitting to anything at all, that's a statement by a scientist which you're assuming is an admission of something.

@redbai Kelly Smith NASA engineer you didn't watch that one.

it right in the middle of the article....

@1patriot That's because you just posted it. But here's the problem, he NEVER says that we've never been to the moon as you claim. Saying that they must solve the problem does not mean that they didn't once have a solution that worked and is no longer available. We have no idea how they pyramids were built but they exist, IOW, we've lost the technology. So since we can no longer build such structures does that mean the pyramids are fake? No it doesn't.

@redbai your the type guy i could lie to all day and you would believe it so the capsule they flew with out any insulation through 400 miles of the heat 3600F and back. i have been to Kennedy space center and seen the capsule. so tell me how they did that with out real protection they had to keep it light. or are you just that gullible.....

@1patriot Ah, personal attacks and a pathetic attempt to shift the burden onto me. You claimed that NASA revealed that the moon landing was fake and have provided no evidence that NASA made any such claim. I don't have to explain how they did something to point out that you haven't demonstrated the veracity of your claim original claim.

@redbai i provide evident that they did not go to the moon and NASA has said in the pass. i few years they find the video as there shit goes missing and that returns....why is the NASA is a corrupt corporation like vanguard and black rock all control t5he the davos group who are enslaving humanity. but your an air head that think Biden is going to save the world or maybe trump but they are on the same side. are ready for the crash of the fiat dollar LOL

@1patriot FTR, I have no confidence in Biden or Trump. As for the rest of your post 😂😂😂

@redbai yes, they did not make it to the moon moron

@1patriot You just can't demonstrate the claim to be true.

@redbai don't have too, the evidence clear. they can't do it now and most likely couldn't do it before but go ahead believe what ever you want. you likely believe domestic turkeys can fly too!

@redbai you didn't read the article da.... Really, let’s think about this rationally. In 1969 we sent a tiny homeless tent covered in aluminum foil 250,000 miles away to a precise location, when even being 1/10000 of an inch off in any part of the launch would have caused the ship to miss the moon by thousands of miles…. And yet, we landed it, we played golf… And now we can’t even get humans past 1000 miles above sea level.

Perhaps the final word should go to Buzz Aldrin. According to Buzz, we didn’t go to the moon at all! But he didn’t stop there. Listen to what he says about the hundreds of millions of people around the world who were affected by the moon landing. It’s call mass formation psychosis. The elite have been using this technique to brainwash the masses since 1969.

@1patriot blah blah blah, and still nothing demonstrating that NASA as an organization has said anything close to your clam.

@redbai ha ha sheep lot proof to me that we pass through 400 miles of radiation of the Van Allen belts in a fucking tin can than -450F below on the moon your stupid! and it shows.

@1patriot The only claim I've made is that you haven't demonstrated that NASA admitted anything. Why would I have to demonstrate anything about the Val Allen belts to assert that you haven't demonstrated that NASA did as you claimed? Oh yeah. Shifting the burden because you can't supply evidence of your claim. Very theist of you.

@redbai yet that's head line the news anchor use a many i don't care what you say believe what you want you mostly believe there's god too!


What do you think about the reflective mirrors left on the moon and the laser experiment which can be done with them? You can shine a laser at them and have the light bounced back.

Scientists have established that the distance between the earth and the moon is slowly increasing and by how much.

what, you get that info from the 'Onion'?

@1patriot Not sure what you mean by that question. Was wondering, what you think about the reflective mirrors left on the moon? Are you aware of the existence of them?

@Zealandia no i have telescope and i have watched the moon, but i have never seen any mirrors on it. Moravian has mentioned "the onion" i have never looked for the onion. so what part of the moon are these mirrors on as i have an observatory about 4 miles from and can drop in any time to look it's quite powerful compared to my scope at home. even a set binoculars you can see the mountain on the moon. you do know we are in the mist of pole shift


OMG just when we think you couldn't be any more credulous, you surpass yourself.


You love conspiracy theories don't you? Posting them reveals your ignorance.


Is this from "the onion" ?. I know that it must be difficult for some poorly educated people to understand how this could have been done but surely one fact must convince them. This was at the height of the space race between capitalist America and the communist Soviet Union. Each was watching the other closely and do you honestly think that if the USA had not achieved this the Soviet Union would have kept quiet ?. Not a chance. They would have shouted it from the rooftops.

Even this Obvious Fact isn't going to resonate with this fool OP..sit back and enjoy your popcorn!!!!!!!

i was at NASA have you been there i seem the capsule, uninsulated single wall construction. they tell us outer space is cold temperature in outer space is generally 2.73 Kelvin now we are speaking in the shade warmer on the sun side. the distance is 384,400 km they did that in 2 days. all you have to do is look at the number and see the equipment and the space suits that look like snowmobile suits attacked to helmet. i watch the whole this on TV just like rest of you. at age 11. the president talk on the phone to the astronauts we didn't have any wireless tech that could reach that many miles. just some point you can investigate as like god you don't think there's one, neither do i. and i wouldn't try to change your mind. you won't changing my mind that it was psyops. once they convinced the masses they could do it time and time again. what i find funny is many liberal believe there government it's like a big joke!!! never heard of the "Onion" have heard of "not the bee" and now you have NASA admitting it and you still don't believe it. but then again you believe climate change.

@1patriot I was also eleven years old in 1969 and watched the moon landing. I am also aware that technology and the equipment that would have been needed to pull a hoax did not exist at that time.
Think back or even better look up the tech used back then for movies and TV shows then compare. Do a little bit of your own research.

@Betty that why shadow from both side when astronaut were bouncing around when the sun shine it shines from oppose side. do you even know what 2.73 Kelvin minus 460 Fahrenheit cold would that be thing would freeze in seconds not minutes. the cabal own holly wood yes they would have used their best equipment to film this, but now on the moon

@1patriot Have you seen the show Mythbusters? They did an episode on the moon landing. If you have not seen it, I will leave a link. Watch it, then come back with your thoughts.

@Betty holly wood is owned by the zionist jew this guy likely guy paid quite well for this show.

@1patriot It makes me sad that so many people like you will easily believe what can be proven to be false. In doing so you, have made yourself vulnerable. I hope things get better for you. 😟

@Betty the same can be said for you, never question any thing your government lies to you daily...but after you hear it CNN than you switch NBC, and CBS and they all parrot the same thing you say to your self must be true. go to New York quite a few people said the 911 was an inside job and if you go across America they say the majority believe it to be an inside job brought down in demolish like you see in Las Vegas. so i feel more sorry for you brain washed. they can't hypnotize me have you ever been hypnotize or had a doctor or actor do it. bet they could do it 30 second on you guys.

@1patriot I do feel sorry for you. As a fellow Canadian who has grown up in the same era, I had hoped you would have more of an open and critical mind. 😟

I will not be responding to you after this. Take care a be well.

@Betty thank that sounds great!

@1patriot do you know Betty personally? Do you really know that she watches TV like you say, watching only which ones agree with her?

@Betty [] they have not got past the Van Allen belt

@Betty, @AlasBabylon i can tell from her reply's stuff all parroted from media. and fact the she sends me a MythBusters TV series to prove her point. it's just evidence that she has watched TV. i am sure she's a wonderful lady but she did be little me as she feels sorry that i don't have the same beliefs as her. you don't need to believe y post and that's fine you don't even watch it but if you to reply to it at least watch it all.

@AlasBabylon Thank you for trying to defend me. I appreciate that. 🙂
He will believe what he chooses to believe and until he chooses to do some research, he will not be changing his mind.

All the tests that the Mythbusters did can be verified and repeated with the same conclusions.

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