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Hamilton vs Jefferson, who do you think take credit for shaping America?

Humanlove 7 May 6

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Hamilton no doubt made the econmic future of the US possible and econmic mobility. Jefferson and high falutin words set a moral standard to live up to even when we fail. Jefferson's obsession with the "common" man his idealized view of the masses, that he really did not know. Is as the founders feared easily led, and unaware of complex issues. Plus his view of uncle sam as the bad guy vs local government is actually a fantasy. Who represes me with a massive tax burden, my state local county and school board. So to me I see sam as a protector from the local fools.


Hard to say on that one, as both men had their share of contributions. While Jefferson would seem like the obvious choice, it pays to keep in mind that he was one of the main supporters of state rights and started the Democratic-Republican party, which in the long run only hurt our country by giving states more power to defy federal laws. While some would argue for smaller government, I can't say giving states more power is the answer, there is nothing wrong with a strong federal government so long as it is kept in check by the citizens. Hamilton is pretty much the father of modern day American banking, but again it pays to keep in mind the banking system back then was different than what we have today corruption wise, so I could not put blame on Hamilton directly as his intentions were good, those who came after him screwed things up. The Jeffersonian Republicans who were considered rather liberal minded for their day, messed things up the most and helped to diminish the government as it was formed shortly after the revolution. Knowing how many people there are in this country with different ideas and views, I don't think we'll ever be able to agree on everything or come up with a system that benefits all citizens. I do know given the choice between the two of them, I'll take federal any day over the state, as this is supposed to be a country united and guided by the Constitution. Nothing wrong with a strong federal government so long as power is kept in check, so when that becomes an issue blame complacency and not certain individuals or even political parties. The status quo succeeded in pushing out the Federalist's, but some day the favor may get returned to the statist's...

Where do you think federalism headed from where it is now?

@0752532706 I got your message and will interact via the PM's. All good.


The combination of plate tectonics and weather would be my guess.


Unfortunately both


Hamilton may take a Toni award, but in reality, I think that they both played their parts in rallying the colonists and creating the United States we have today. It definitely took more than 2 people, and I think it is a shame that the primary heroes (and even traitors) remembered were those who had access to the media of the times, much like it is today. The economy has always had a lot to do with it.


Haven't seen the show-would love to. I don't know enough about the politics back then to offer an opinion.


Play-dough 🙂




They don't count anymore. Trump is shaping it into a ball of shit !

I don't see how Trump should be blamed for today's problems, he is just a product of a rotten society....

yes but he has given them the courage to come out from under the rug. Then goes wink wink nudge guys are bad

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