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Wow! He is only 12.

Nagoya elementary students caught defrauding classmate for nearly 1 million yen

There’s a lot of talk about how seniors are a frequent target for scammers, but we shouldn’t overlook the dangers that prepubescent fraud also poses. Although admittedly much rarer, it can happen much like it did to one elementary student in Nagoya, Japan, over the course of about a year.


Ryo1 8 Mar 8

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Someone I know on a casual level bringing up the subject of money is plenty of reaon to cut off all communication...I have been a Judge Judy watcher for as long as she has been on the air and maybe 50% of cases involve money-lending between people, and 100% of the excuses for Not paying back amount to "How dare they Harass me by asking for their money back"......

Judge Judy : I don't care how the Word of God applies here. This is a courtroom, not a church, so don't preach to me.


I found that if I stay away from people, I am less likely to be scammed.

Very wise. Many seniors are too nice to hang up or walk away, and scammers know it.

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