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Kenneth Copeland gives me the creeps, but I laughed at this!

ballou 8 Mar 11

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He's a freaking moron! I agree, he's very laughable!! 🤣🤣🤣


That is one creepy looking guy, and his dentist should be shot!

Also, who is he yelling at?...I see empty chairs.

They are not teeth, they are white tattoos on his lips, most likely done by the same person who painted him orange. (Probably an atheist having a laugh. )

@Fernapple I have to love your sense of humour. That made me laugh. 🙂


He's demented.

Betty Level 8 Mar 11, 2024

Totally, he's just a terrible person leaching off the weak minded!

@ballou I agree with you. He is very much like the old-time tent revival preachers out to fleece the vulnerable, gullible, desperate, and ignorant. He is a con man protected by the law.

@Betty exactly and if they taxed the eff out the churches, there would be less slimy people like Kenneth Copeland in the world.

@ballou That has been my position for most of my life. Religion is a corrupted business that is protected.

@Betty I agree with you 100%


Trying to look cool but being a fool...


This is blasphemous to all metal!! Metal music is mostly against religion and it's atrocities! Hail Satan!!!!

Its is the possessive form it's is a contraction for it is...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I have to admire your teaching skills. 😉

@Lizard_of_Ahaz be still, my heart--another Grammar Nazi.

@Gwen_Wanderer, @Betty Try to be helpful and people get butthurt .... I did Nazi that coming...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz My phone and it's words that just pop up on my comments.... Its, it's, potato, potatoe, whatever, please correct my phone and me!!! Lol!!!

@Gwen_Wanderer That should have been "Be still my heart, another grammar Nazi..."

@michelle666gar Another reason I hate phones.... Autocorrect is the worst feature possible.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Just adds words as I'm typing and I don't notice, just keep going, oh well! Lol!!!

@michelle666gar One of the reasons I am fond of desktops is that I build my own and they last. The first one I built for school lasted me over 12 years and outlasted 3 hard drives, 4 keyboards, and two monitors before the motherboard died. I used to write research papers on it in a matter of a few hours. Several of them were at least 8 pages plus the citations pages some of which were 3 or 4 pages by themselves.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz nope. I am elevating the term to a title/proper noun. Hence, "Grammar" would have a capital "G."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz 50 lashes for that pun!

@Gwen_Wanderer But the punctuation is still wrong.... The comma should be where you incorrectly hyphenated...

Sounds kinky....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz the double hyphen indicates a dash and not a hyphen. Word automatically converts a double hyphen to a dash, but this venue does not. A hyphen separates words, but a dash is used to separate groups of words. I also could have used a colon to give emphasis, but not a semicolon. What is the comma rule which would indicate a comma should be used?

I think I laughed at your comment as much as I laughed at the video! lol


Too funny. The guitarist reminds me of Kenny G. which adds to the odd elements.


Copeland is the best evidence for the claim that demons exist.


Kenneth Copeland is such a disgraceful idiot, he thinks he has power because of his huge mouth.

Probably gives good blowjobs though.

Not with those teeth......

@annewimsey500 The teeth are probably false....🤣

@Redheadedgammy IMO they would look nice and white and even if so.....

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