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On my last day of work I was delivering auto parts to a group I knew and several of them were telling Biden jokes. As I approached them they cried out laughingly "you're democrat, right"? These boys were gonna have a little fun.

As I joined their group I said plainly that I am really a Progressive. When they asked what that meant I told them and one guy claimed it was Communism. I laughed and said that all of us need a sane and level playing field with no exceptions of race, national origin, and fairness to all. A few agreed as I went into it and said again they could get an idea of this by looking into Bernie Sanders from Vermont. He has been re-elected by that state repeatedly and calls himself a Democratic Socialist.

Several of these guys are getting serious now and one told me he actually has a Libertarian membership card in his pocket. I remarked that I do also but voting for them in big elections don't work. They can win some smaller elections though. As I left I told them I will not openly vote for anyone with criminal indictments or anyone wanting to tear down our system of government. We need Social Security and other programs that have worked for us in the past.

I left proud of myself for that ten minutes of talking. I was proud of the fact that neither myself nor them had mentioned Biden or Trump at all. I work around Republicans and Trumpers all day long. There are a few Republicans locally that I vote for. Nationally there are none.

DenoPenno 9 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Way to keep your cool in this polarized environment. Rational discussion where people are not subject to their emotions is the way to go. It sure can be hard when those you are communicating with have dug in their heels. Best to agree to disagree and walk away.IMHO.

I talk this way often because Trump is all over the map on Social Security. He talks about it along with Medicare and Medicaid claiming that re-mapping it will save millions in tax dollars. He is back and forth with this and apparently does not care that many of us would have no income without it and also have no place to go. Let's face facts here. Early 401 K's are not an answer for everything that Social Security does. The program is separate from other government programs and is funded by payroll deductions from working people. Idiots often want to balance the budget using Social Security. This is plain out wrong. Men, women, and children will suffer and some have no place to go.

@DenoPenno I have not studied the history but I believe social security was set up so it was not part of the "budget". It was never intended to be just an additional tax for the working class. I believe that thinking was how they sold it in the first place. Politicians are good at keeping people from knowing the truth. That's what makes "Truth social" one of the most ironically named mouth pieces I can imagine. Eliminating social security or even reducing it could be the last straw for many people. With more and more jobs becoming automated there is going to have to be something to replace lost income. Who is going to pay for everything if it is mostly done by an automated mechanisms?

@PaddyO We will need a UBI, like Wang proposed in his last presidential run, and it will have to be financed by taxing the shit out of the billionaires who have gotten rich by automating and outsourcing jobs overseas, as well as busting unions..

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