If you're a Brit...
List of reasons to have a cup of tea:
-You’ve received good news
-You’ve received bad news
-You’re thirsty
-You’re tired
-You’re cold
-You’re under the weather
-You’re bored
-To have a break
-To make up after an argument
-Because someone else is having one
-To be polite
-Because you’re back from holiday
-Because biscuits are dry
-Because it’s a day ending in Y
-Because you want one and you don’t ever need a reason so actually just ignore this list
Very British Problems
It's not quite the same since teabags were invented. I remember my mother and her buddies having tea and then she would read the tealeaves left in the cup.
There is tea in this house, but NO teabags!
(And as for all those strange people that pollute their tea with milk ... )
@anglophone Yuck !!