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Well of course, the lower class don't understand that the dollar isn't money, it's fake, an illusion.

Wealthy people know that the dollar isn't money, they don't want it, they don't save it, they buy assets, not holding on to worthless cash.

The explanation of inflation benefiting the wealthy has to do with financial education.

Commies aren't financially educated, they think a broke indebted government will take care of them.

The poor homeless grovel over 50 cents begging in the streets, not realizing that trash they found on the roads worth more than 50 cents.

The entire world was brainwashed to believe the dollar is gold.

How? The dog salivates when you ring the bell, even when you don't bring food. The dog learned to associate the bell with food.

You see a big M and you think McDonald's hamburgers and French fries.

The big M isn't French fries.

The dollar was first backed by gold

Then it was illegal to, but legal to keep.dollars. The association of dollars began. Then the dollar was no longer backed by gold, now the conditioning is complete. People still think the dollar is gold.

Communistbitch 6 Mar 26

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