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Perhaps some of you saw the excited headlines that time-restricted eating increases the risk of cardiovascular death. As with essentially all popular press reported nutrition research, the headlines were nonsense and the research, poor. Quote from Dr. Peter Attia, my favorite wonk for all things medical:

"The bottom line
It’s unfortunate that results such as these, which aren’t even in their finished form, are being used to scare people away from time-restricted eating, which is a proven weight loss strategy. This is yet another nutritional study that affirms my disappointment in the field – not because the topic is unworthy of research, but because of the willingness to draw sensational conclusions from flawed data."


Mitch07102 8 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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To be on the safe side I shall eschew those restaurants that have 2 hour limits on dining.


For me it is what I eat, when I eat, how many times. My GP says I have the health of a 50 year old. I say "when will I feel like one?" Lol.


Yes, we know it's crazy. I recently got a phone call from my pharmacist who wanted to know if I still take Metformin. This is most likely coz she saw that my doctor's nurse had wanted to update my medicine and called me in something that would cost $142 a month. I came unglued and told everyone that I am in control of my medication. I am in no way in the control of a doctor and I discuss things before taking them. No way in hell would I ever pay $142 per month for something. Updating my medication in my opinion translates into "let's pay the developers of this newer medication."

And then, 6-8 months from now, you can notice the lawyers ads trolling for Class Action people to join the suit for the third ear they grew from it, or whatever.
I myself got inevitably fatal Congestive Heart Failure from the interaction of Avandia and Victoza, Type II diabetes meds. Nowadays you can Google that they should never be taken together........


Before I got on my current endocrinologist supervised program, I lowered my Ac1 over 2 points in less than three months (all confirmed with bloodwork) by simply making One change, eating only in an 8-hour window, which I continue today, 5+ years later...even the progression of my Congestive Heart Failure has dramatically slowed, far less than expected, in fact all tests are 100% Unchanged from diagnosis in 2018, when I was given 5-10 years to live tops.
I get lifetime alimony and I Will live to be 100!!!!!!
Stop stressing your body 24/7 with "grazing" or whatever it is called.
We ate for millenia like predators, gorging on a big kill and then going maybe weeks on tiny snacks (mice?) until the next big feast.
The Snack industry is keeping people fat and unhealthy with "studies" (find out who funded them???!!!!!!) like these, and Big Pharma then makes a ton of money too!

I've been doing intermittent fasting for a couple of months now. I eat nothing after 6 pm and don't eat again until 9 am the next morning. The weight is coming off slowly, but it continues to go down every week. I feel much better, am sleeping better, no longer have any digestive issues and I feel that I am much more clear in my brain. I plan on continuing this way of eating for the rest of my life. 😉

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