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Why do Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security?

"Tax cuts initially enacted during Republican trifectas in the past 25 years slashed taxes disproportionately for the wealthy and profitable corporations, severely reducing federal revenues."

Take from the poor and give to the rich: it's the Republican way.

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Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 7

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Other then two wierdo Republicans, why do you think "Republicans" want to cut SS & Medicare?

Two weirdo Republican presidents, and the other elected weirdo Republicans in Congress who follow their lead, and the tens of millions (like 70, at last count) of voting weirdo Republicans. It's not nothing, as you seem to imply.

As for the why, that's easy: because their billionaire overlords don't want their taxes raised to support social welfare programs. They want to keep their billions and to hell with poor people.

@Flyingsaucesir Your reply is quite evasive. I see yo don't really have facts.

@Alienbeing The Republican platform has been lower corporate taxes and deregulation at least since Reagan. There's really no mystery about that. The idea is called "trickle-down economics. Supposedly, the more money left in the hands of the billionaires, the more jobs they create, and the more money trickles down to the working class. And social programs have more recently been painted as crypto communist. It's all bullshit, if course. But the Republicans have had a very well-oiled propaganda machine working round the clock. And with the help of bloviating fascist slobs like Rush Limbaugh, so-called "conservatives" have been sold this bill of goods.

@Flyingsaucesir Referring to trickle down economics as a method to back up your statements regarding abortion is PROOF you cannot jusify your rant on abortion politics.

Thanks for proving you had no case.

@Alienbeing What "rant on abortion politics"? I have not mentioned abortion here. You're hallucinating.

@Flyingsaucesir Currect, I erred. The subject (which you started) was Social Security. When you could not back up your claim you switched to "trickle down".

Again thanks for clearly showing you didn't know what you were talking about.

@Alienbeing Republicans love tax cuts, especially if they put more money in the pockets of the rich. But they worry about debt, an look around for cuts they can make to the federal budget. They don't want to touch defense spending, because that's their billionaire overlords' sacred rice bowl. So they focus their attention on Social Security and Medicare. Reagan set us on this path. Bush reinforced it with more tax cuts and a suggestion that social security be privatized. Trump amped up the 5ax cuts even more and suggested that we simply cut social security. So yeah, there is a link between trickle down economics and a desire (on the part if Republican presidents) to cut Social Security.

@Flyingsaucesir Thanks for once again proving you have no back up to your 4/8 post. If you had any such back up you would have posted names, but anyone can clerly see all you did was post a bias notice. In the 4th sentence of your 4/11 reply you did the same thing again, and again without back up.

Go back to sleep now.


@Flyingsaucesir It must be horrible for you because all your attempts to change the subject do nothing to back up your initial baseless claim.


If you give money to the poor, it stays in the country and builds the economy, because poor people spend it near to home. So you get a trickle upwards. (Trickle up, works, though trickle down does not. )

But if you have made up your mind that the economy is going down, no matter what, then rich people want to grab all their money and evacuate it out of the country as soon as possible.


Life for repuglicans is all about serving the wealthy.

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